Chapter xx

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2 Years Later...

I woke up to the sound of Rini jumping up and down on the bed. We both now live with Sean at his place and Rini was in her polka dot feetie pajamas. Her hair everywhere, and she then jumped onto Sean, who was now awake due to Rini jumping onto him. He groaned and looked at her.

"Calm down, it's six in the morning." Sean said as she was beginning to wake up. Rini scrunched her nose up and jumped again.

"It's Christmas morning!" She said with a smile. "Get up, get up, get up!" She said shaking me and Sean.

After battling with Rini for a while, we got up and we stumbled out of bed. Rini ran down the stairs and looked at the big Christmas tree in front of her. There were loads of presents everywhere and she smiled. Turning the light on, Sean smiled and sat on the tiled floors.

He was now passing Rini presents, and as I sat down next to him Rini opened her presents. She had gotten a few snoopy toys and some Disney princess legos. As well as some Lincoln logs. Which were her favorite to be honest.

"Wow, my own set of Lincoln logs! Thanks daddy!" Rini said as she hugged him and he smiled.

"No problem sweetheart," he said and he turned to me.

"Now I have a present for mommy," he said and held pulled out a black box. He'd gotten down on one knee as he opened the black box.

There sat a twenty four karat gold diamond ring with a pink band and he looked into my eyes with all seriousness. My jaw dropped and I covered my mouth. Tears spilling out from my eyes now as he had looked at me.

"Michelle Anne Rivendale, I remember the first time I laid eyes on you when I went into that clothing store. I was still getting over my wifes death, and when I laid eyes on you, I swore I felt that same spark I had with my wife. Although when we went for coffee, I had started to deny those feelings, but couldn't help it once I saw your beautiful face again." He said, and I kept tearing up.

"It wasn't until I met your daughter and your loving sister that I knew that you would be the one woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Michelle, I now have an amazing daughter, and an amazing life with you, and everything about you, inspires me to the man that I am today. Would you do the honor of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asked.

I just kissed him deeply and smiled. Tears still spilling out of my eyes. I nodded as I looked into his eyes very deeply.

"Yes, yes Sean, I will marry you." I said, and he slipped the ring of my finger.

Although I was a teen mom who had gotten pregnant, I had found a man who loved me no matter what had happened. And he loved Rini just as much.

The End...

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