Chapter x

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That next morning, I got up to go to my job at the hotel. Doing my usual routine as always. I was to help set up for the holiday banquet our hotel was having. I couldn't wait though. It was pretty much the best party of the year.

We usually have it in our fancy shmancy Crystal Ballroom. Our hotel was sort of similar to the plaza, but it wasn't quite the plaza. My manager always told me I could stay in the hotel, but the prices were quite pricey, and I couldn't do that to Rini. Besides, I liked living in a simple apartment.

As I was in my maids uniform, my friend Serena smiled over at me, and I discussed last night's events. She giggled and squealed like a fourteen year old girl does when she watches that new star who got famous from making videos of himself lip syncing.
I forgot what his name was, but I knew Rini's older cousin listens to him. Laughing she smiled back.

"So, his name?" she asked. I chuckled.

"His name is Sean." I said, as I was smiling.

"He's also British." I added. I swear Serena just about swooned.

I laughed a bit as she just like everyone else, asked loads of questions about him. I had never seen her this happy. Especially at work. It really made me happy, that both Serena and my sister were happy. Even if they weren't happy it wouldn't matter, because all that mattered was that I was happy.

Serena Wilkerson had a family of six kids and a husband. Serena also had three jobs. Though not during the holidays. It's mostly during the summer that she works three jobs.

Folding the blankets, I looked around. There was an Audrey Hepburn poster on the bed and I smiled as I looked at it. Audrey was an amazing actress and I loved her in Breakfast at Tiffany's. She was always Timeless and proper nothing like Marilyn Monroe.

I soon noticed the same Snoopy I saw yesterday. Quickly, I looked over at Serena and nudged her. She looked over at the toy and looked back at me.  I could see the look on her face said "Wasn't that the toy you wanted to buy for Rini?"

I nodded, but decided to shrug off the thought. I didn't have the money to begin with, so what was the use. It took all of the fiber in my being not to cry. I barely had any money this year and it sucked.

When I was done with work, I pulled my hair out from my pony tail and let it down. Shaking my wavy yet straight hair, I walked out of the room and into the elevator. Slouching as my neck had been killing me from all of the work I had done today. I felt so sore and warn down.

Getting down to the lobby floor, I sighed and looked over. I saw Sean, and he saw me. Running over to me he smiled.

"Tana told me you were busy and sounded like you were going to die." he chuckled. I nodded.

"Thanks for stopping by, but it's the end of my shift and I-" he cut me off.

"Tana took your car, she got me here so she could take it back and so you could get something to eat and relax." He said smiling.

I smiled back at him. Even though we weren't a couple, I still thought it was sweet of him to treat me like a princess.

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