Chapter xiv

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December 23, 2016

It was the day before the christmas banquet/party at Queen's Petal Hotel, and we were setting up decorations in the ballroom. Rini sat in a chair and watched as Andrew, the boy who worked in the kitchens, had been playing the piano. It was kind of cute really, because Rini had a little crush on Andrew. Even though he was fourteen years older.

I laughed as Andrew had kept playing her favorite Disney songs on the piano. I could see why she had liked Andrew so much. He was tall, handsome, sweet, and he was talented too! Especially with the piano.

As I was setting up with the other maids, Rini looked over at me with a smile. I smiled back and giggled. Sooner than later, tana had busted right through the doors and gave me a big smile. I looked at her weirdly and thought; oh boy what did she do now?

"Are you inviting Sean to come to the Christmas party mummy?" She asked. I smiled.

"Would you like me to invite Sean?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Alright, I'll ask if he can come," I said and she smiled even brighter.

Andrew, the boy sitting at the piano was smiling at Tana. He had the biggest crush on my little sister, and she had a crush on him as well. He soon walked over to her and smiled. Soon beginning to talk to her. Which made Rini a little jealous. I giggled and then went back to work once Mr. O'Connor came in.

"No guests allowed in the room until the room is done being decorated. We have much to do," He said, and Tana had to leave mid-sentence with Rini.

Mr. O'Connor came over and looked over at me with a smile. I smiled back at him, trying to be as polite as I could. Unfortunately it was hard for me to do but I was able to do it. 

"Mr. O'Connor, might I say, the suit you are wearing today compliments your eyes quite nicely." I said smiling sweetly.

"Oh thank you I- ahem," he cleared his throat.

"I mean, there's no time for sucking up, you need to get back to work. Oh, and Miss Rivendale, you'll be working the event." He said.

My face slackened. I wanted to go to a work function without actually having to work. Nageen always told me how fun those were, and I sighed.

"But Mr. O'Connor, I'm inviting my boyfriend and I was planning on-" he cut me off.

"Ah yes, young love, I remember when I was your age, but the hotel has no time for that. You must tend to our guests tomorrow night. Either you come to work tomorrow to serve, or I fire you, the choice is yours." He said, and he walked off.

My expression saddened and Andrew ran after Mr. O'Connor.

"Please Mr. O, she works her ass off here, the least you could do is do just this one favor." Andrew interjected. Mr. O'Connor looked over at Andrew.

"Sorendale, this doesn't concern you, so stay out of it, or you're fired!" He shouted.

"Come on-" Mr. O'connor cut him off again.

"I said stay out of it, now I have no choice but to fire you." He said and Andrew sighed.

"Be sure to hand in your uniform tomorrow." Mr. O'Connor said, and Andrew sighed.

I couldn't believe this. Andrew was his own nephew, and he was just trying to help me out. He didn't have to go the lengths of firing him. I sighed and I looked at him thinking,
"Geez, what a scrooge."

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