The Bet by ILurvbooks

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Title : The Bet

Author : ilurvbooks

Status : Completed


When Drake Swift lost in a bet, his best friend wanted him to court a girl in a month and ask her to be his girlfriend. After she says 'Yes', he will tell her that he doesn't love her and all that happened between them was a game. But what if Sofia Taylor, the girl that his best friend chose is clever than they think she is? What will happen if she knows something abou their pretty little secret?

My Opinion :

Like the blurb right? Me too!! Actually the reason why I clicked the read button was that the description and th story behind it was quite unique and thoughtful. From the start till the end this is book had the capacity to hold me down and make me read it. Seriously, without any further ado just go and check out that book of hers

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