Tender Walks the Demon by IncarnateMovie

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Title : Tender Walks the Demon

Author : IncarnateMovie

Status : Completed (5 parts)

Description :

Brian is an ordinary boy. He is loved by his mother, Kimberly and spends his days colouring pictures and inventing wonderful stories to go with them. But then the stories become violent. Brian begins to change. Strange things start to happen.

Is he possessed by the spirit of his dead father, returned to avenge his death, or are more sinister forces at work?

Brian's mother will stop at nothing to help her son, including allowing someone to enter his very consciousness.....

Rating :


(I hope I could give it 6 stars!! 😊)


A/N : This story has also been made into a movie which was released on December 2 2016.

Well you must be thinking why am I updating two times a day. Its because I wanna finish this book and move on to the next!! 😄😄

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