Bubbled Moments by eddyray26

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Title : Bubbled Moments

Author : eddyray26

Status : Ongoing

Description :

"Sweet moments are like bubbles, beautiful but only to get burst." He said.

"But as soon as one bursts, we can create hundreds of new bubbles right?" I said looking in his eyes.

Mia Roy is a not-so-special ordinary girl in her 20s dragging her life in Washington DC through complicated family relationships, friendships, secrets and so on. Considering the only ray of hope in her life left is her love and fandom for Summer Carren,  a theatre celebrity.

On the other hand, Summer is an inspiring personality for his struggle to success story and single. With non-understandable romanticized feelings, he nurtures his ambition to rise as a Theatre group owner.

What unfolds their journey is how they meet in not so unusual circumstance but standing unreasonably together fighting their clichè odds in their lives for whatever short moments they spend together.

Breaking apart again and again promising to stay together, will they ever come together forever? Or Life will continue playing this game?

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