New Year's baby by MaryFahey

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Title : New Year's baby

Author : MaryFahey

Status : Completed

Description :

Donna Waldron thinks it is love at first sight but is badly let down. Dr Ryan Kemmedy is only amusing himself during boring workplace training. Heartbroken, she doesn't notice her pregnancy until seven months and believes her lack of parental care has caused her son's cleft lip and palate.

While waiting for a plane, Ryan sees a newspaper photo of the first New Year's Day baby, who has a rare cleft lip and palate he survived. Medical secretory Donna didn't contact him so his resemblence to his child must be co-incidental. With his self centered reasoning he travels abroad.

Nine months later, Ryan reappears, accepts Liam as his child and invites them to move into his house until after Liam's essential surgery. However, his detached behavior suggests he is hiding secrets so Donna can't afford to trust him or see a future together again.

Rating :



A/N : The best part of this book was its rare and unique concept!!

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