The Model Spy by KeriAnnL

115 5 0

Title : The Model Spy

Author : KeriAnnL

Status : Completed

Description :

Seventeen year old Laura Potter and her family are far from normal. While most parents grab a breifcase and head to the the office, Laura and her parents hop on a private CIA jet and save the world. As if being a teenager wasn't already hard enough!

When almost a dozen models are killed in Paris, it is upto Laura to head to the City of Lights, acting as a model. Zach, another teen agent, joins her. Time to catch the murderer is running out before the highest event in the fashion industry : Fashion Week. With jealous girls, attention hogging divas and stalkers everywhere, Laura and Zach can trust no one. But Laura begins to attach herself to the cute photographer Dylan. In the CIA, attachment can be deadly.

In an attempt to catch their suspect, Zach and Laura chase a strange man through the metro, dine in the Moulin Rouge, find some bodies in catacombs and take a quick dip in the Seine. In the end Laura comes face to face with the murderer and even she can't believe it.

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