Chapter 17

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Never mind, I figured out the wifi problem! So here's another chapter for you all, leave me LOTS of comments please and thank you!!


Breakfast went by painfully slow. Ace wouldn't meet my gaze which was slightly ironic since he was so obsessed with eye contact. Jason was focused on his food and would only glance up every couple minutes to see if Ace or I were staring at him. Grandma, though she acted oblivious, ate her meal with a glint in her eye. As if this silence between Ace, Jason, and I was something she's been waiting for. Something she's planned. That crazy old bat.

    "So ... how did last night go?" Grandma instigated, taking a swig of her freshly squeezed orange juice. I kept my eyes cast downward, a sign that I wasn't willing to answer the question. I couldn't see my brother or Ace but their silence told me they were probably preoccupying themselves with their breakfast as I was. A moment later, grandma cleared her throat, "Boys, this is the part where you open your traps and speak."

    Jason exchanged a glance with Ace, both of them urging the other to answer. I saw Ace shake his head, followed by a gesture of denial from my brother as well. When the silence continued, grandma spoke again, "When I ask a question, I expect an answer. If I have to ask a second time-"

    "It went fine." Jason cut in nervously, stabbing at his pile of eggs with a fork.

    Grandma supplied a smile and nodded, "And do I have to worry about any cops knockin' on my door?"

    Ace shook his head, "Everything we did was well within legal limits."

    "Well that's good to hear." Grandma informed, finishing up her breakfast with the smuggest smile on her face. She stood from the table, "Seconds anyone?"

    Ace shook his head again, "No thank you. Genevieve and I have plans for today so we're going to head out soon."

    Jason tossed a look in my direction. I rose my eyebrow at him, not sure what response he was looking for. Yes, Ace and I had plans. No, we weren't going to do anything inappropriate. At least, we wouldn't if I could keep my feet on the ground and my head out of the clouds. Besides, Jason's concern was misplaced. Ace was with Holly and I had a devote relationship to my silence. Everyone was spoken for.

    "Why don't you help my grandma with the dishes Ace. I need to speak with my sister before you two leave." Jason suggested rather bluntly. Ace nodded, following grandma into the kitchen while Jason rounded the table to stand near me. He lowered his voice and dipped his head so our words wouldn't be overheard, "Am I correct in assuming that last night remained PG?"

    I nodded, standing as well so I wouldn't feel so tiny under his shadow, "Nothing happened. Nothing is ever going to happen, he has a girlfriend and we're just ... friends."

    Jason rolled his eyes, "If you can't see what the rest of us see then you're even dumber than I thought, pipsqueak."

    "What's that supposed to mean?" I did everything in my power to keep my mind from running wild but my thoughts hurdled out of control. Jason's words sparked an interested and the gleam in his eye confirmed what I had been hoping. There was something between Ace and I, something obvious.

    Jason huffed, "Nothing. Forget about it."

    Curiosity nibbled away at my consciousness. I felt my head tilt sideways, "He told you didn't he? About the trouble he's in."

    My brother dropped his gaze and sighed. He crossed his arms and stepped closer as a further precaution that our conversation couldn't be heard elsewhere, "Listen Gen, I know you don't like being out of the loop but sometimes ignorance really is bliss. This thing that Ace is tangled up in, it's bad."

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