Chapter 32

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What was Lucas doing here?

He smiled down at me, his arms tightening around my shivering body as he briskly walked away from the truck, "Hola. Genevieve right?"

I nodded, turning my head in towards his chest as a strong burst of wind slapped against my cheeks. When he saw this, Lucas's walk quickened. Then he was lowering me down into the back seat of a smaller black car. It was sleek in color and stretched long in structure. It looked fast.

Lucas settled me in the back seat before he closed the door and jogged to the drivers side. There was a man in the front seat and when he turned around, I recognized him as Rico. He smiled at me, "You've got balls, mamacita ... well, not really but you know what I mean. Camping out in a broken truck on a night like this, very ballsy."

"She wasn't camping out, she broke down." I was surprised to hear that this second voice was feminine. My head turned to find that there was indeed a young woman sitting next to me. Blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders and a lovely face smiled back at me, "Just ignore Rico, I do."

Rico huffed from the front seat, "You weren't ignoring me when we were getting married."

The girl rolled her eyes, "Rico, we were never getting married."

"Then why did you accept my proposal?"

"I didn't."

"You said, and I quote, 'Rico, marry me. I love you'."

"I never said that!"

Lucas slammed his door shut, "Hey, knock it off you two." The car lurched forward as he took off down the road, heading in the opposite direction I came from. Lucas's gaze flickered between me and the road, "Keep an eye on her until we get back." He sounded worried.

The girl turned back to me, "Like I said, ignore him. Anyways, my name is Kimber."

"G-g-genev-v-vieve." I stuttered through chattering teeth.

Kimber's eyebrows dipped together in concern. She scooted closer and boldly wrapped her arms around me. She gasped, "Jeez, you're freezing! Lucas, blast the heat. At this rate, she'll die of hypothermia before we make it to the house."

The house? What house? Weren't we going back to the hospital?

A strong gust of heat exploded from the front seat, providing instant relief from the painful chill which had taken residence in my bones. Kimber held me tightly, rubbing my arms to cause friction and warmth, "How long have you been out here?"

I closed my eyes, "I don't know. My phone died."

"You're lucky we happened to be passing through." Lucas commented from the front. He glanced back at me through the rearview mirror, "We're on our way to see Ace. When I saw his truck on the side of the road, I figured something might be wrong. It always is."

They were here to see Ace ... was that a good thing or a bad thing?

"Why do you want to see Ace?" I prodded quietly.

Lucas was dangerous, that much was certain. Kimber seemed nice and Rico reminded me of a puppy, but Lucas was on a different level entirely. I could see it in the tension of his muscles and the cold look in his eyes. He's been through a lot, like Ace. But Ace has only killed his father, I couldn't imagine the skeletons hidden in Lucas' past. So for him to be here, something must be wrong.

"We heard about what happened." Lucas' grip on the steering wheel tightened, "And we're here to put down a couple mutts."

Rico cracked his knuckles, "When I get ahold of those two pompous rats, I'm gonna beat their heads in with a rock. Están tan muertos."

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