Chapter 20

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Returning to school the next day was like returning to the front lines, you don't really want to but it's required so you have to.

    I didn't get much sleep the night before but only because I was so worried about what would unfold during school. This was the first time I'd see Ace since the kiss, he hasn't texted or called me. This was also the first time I'd see Holly since the kiss, she hasn't texted or called me either though that was probably a good sign. It meant Ace hadn't told her what happened. Yet.

    Surely she would descend upon me like a demon from hell once she found out and she was certainly entitled to it. But before Holly killed me, I first had to tell Ace how I felt in it's entirety. He had to know everything before he made his decision. And what a decision he had.

    I didn't want him to have to choose between Holly and I, it was a cruel ultimatum but a necessary one nonetheless. Ace and I couldn't go on like this, friends who kissed. Friends who weren't just friends. Ace also couldn't continue on with Holly as though nothing has happened. He had been unfaithful and that was something he couldn't just forget. He wasn't that kind of person. Ace has been compelled to do the right thing since we were kids, every chance he got he was trying to help others. Even if it didn't help himself.

    So he'll tell her, there's no doubt in my mind about that. It was just a matter of time. When would he tell her, that was the important question. And would I be ready for it?

    I had to be. Despite how badly I felt for coming between Ace and Holly, I couldn't shake Lady's words from my mind. I too would rather suffer a broken heart while in pursuit of love than die without ever knowing if Ace and I were meant to be. I deserved to be happy too. Unfortunately for Holly, this wasn't her story. It was mine, and I was ready to get my happily ever after.

    My feet carried me swiftly to my locker that morning, ushering me past the other students as though they didn't exist. There was only one person my eyes searched for and when I finally found him, I nearly jumped in excitement. This was it. I was going to tell Ace that I love him, that I've probably loved him for a long time, and that I don't regret what we did Saturday night.

    My heart skipped a beat. Or two. Or all of them. I couldn't control myself around him, that was a good sign. The butterflies, the jitters, the nervousness, all the movies and books say that's a sign of love. Which only further proved it to myself. I loved Ace.

    I'd never get tired of saying that. I loved him and I was going to tell him. Today. Right now.

    But, as you can imagine, things didn't go exactly the way I planned.

    I started down the hallway, determined to say my part and let fate take it's course. But I never got that far. I was only about halfway down the hall, Ace at the other end, when he lifted his head. His gaze looked around at first, taking in the hall he currently strolled through, but when his eyes found mine he stopped. Kids had to practically throw themselves sideways to miss his still figure, none of them dared touch him.

    My stomach twisted uncomfortably.

    Even though I felt like throwing up, this was no time to panic. Of all times in my entire life, this was not the time to panic. I had to do this. For all the reasons I've been telling myself since yesterday after Lady hung up; this was for me, I deserved to be happy, Ace and I were meant to be together, I loved him. Time and time again these thoughts ran through my head like a broken record.

    I rose one hand to wave at him, my own awkward attempt at breaking the ice. I smiled too, the one he liked most. I expected him to smile back, or at least acknowledge my presence. Especially after the way things ended on Saturday. But he didn't.

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