Chapter 35

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Elena's warning floated through my head once more, Lucas come too late.

    That couldn't be true. Lucas was here to help, he was going to fix everything. He couldn't be here too late, not after everything we've already overcome.

    With new and profound fear pumping through my veins, I started towards grandma's truck. I don't know what Elena's words meant or if they were true. But this sudden urge to find Ace was all consuming and my gut told me something was off. Something wasn't right. I had to find him, I had to find him right now.

    I climbed into the truck, jammed the awaiting key into the ignition, and peeled down the driveway. I couldn't be far behind, only by fifteen minutes or so. They couldn't be too far ahead of me. I had to find them, I had to stop them. I couldn't say what was coming or why I felt so desperate to get to them, but I needed to see Ace to reassure myself that he was alive.

    Dust flew from behind the truck as I sped through town. I may have missed a stop sign, maybe a red light. Though cars honked and colorful words entered through the open windows, I stopped for nothing. Buildings turned to blurs, people turned to smudges, and soon all I could see was the dark asphalt stretched out before me as I raced towards someone and away from something else.

    The back roads were barren, so fitting for this damn town. It was hot, and I was sweating, but none of it mattered because I needed to find Ace. Bobby's house came into view, a sad little farm forgotten by all except for it's owner. Creston's truck wasn't there. Maybe I beat them here, maybe they decided to go elsewhere. I couldn't be sure.

    Tires spun against rock as I slammed down on the accelerator to reach the house faster then the truck slid across the ground as I forced down the breaks. I threw the truck into park and ran towards the house with all the power of an olympic athlete.

    The door was hanging open.

    White hot panic swelled in my stomach as I jumped through the doorway, screaming out Ace's name as I searched the house. But each room I checked was empty, each door left open as though someone else had been searching just before I got here. What if they found what they were looking for? What if Elena was right and Ace was already ...

    I couldn't finish that thought. I didn't allow myself to. Elena said that I'd be the one to decide if Ace lived or not, so that must mean he is still alive. Somewhere. Which meant I had to find him before that decision was taken from me. But where should I start? If he wasn't in the house then maybe they hadn't come here.

    But that thought vanished as I saw bright light illuminating the hallway from the back door which hung open as well. Ginger's pasture was in the back, maybe they were there. I sprinted through the back door and towards the grassy field where Ginger grazed.

    Outside it was still hot. Blinding sunlight beat down upon me as I ran faster and faster with the hopes that I'd find Creston, Holly, and Ace lounging in the pasture as I had so many weeks ago. I could picture it so clearly, the three of them laying in the grass with Ginger eating just behind them. They'd laugh and wave me over and all my fears would be put to rest.

    My eyes glanced up towards the top of the hill ...

    A strangled gasp sliced through the air as my feet tripped over themselves. I froze. My hair flew into my eyes but that didn't hinder my sight. It couldn't erase what I had already seen. A different kind of pain entered my core, driving down my fear of what might happen with the fear of what has already happened. Ginger lay in the grass, on her side, unmoving ...

    ... deep crimson coating her beautiful caramel coat.

    I dropped to my knees and vomited into the grass, tears springing to my eyes as I heaved.

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