Chapter 21

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I didn't consider myself a coward but I knew when to pick my battles. Going to school on Friday was a battle I wasn't ready to fight. I could barely look at myself in the mirror let alone face everyone at school.

By now word has spread of Ace and Holly's breakup. Word has also spread that it's my fault though that one is more of a rumor than a known fact. I can't deny my role but I can't accept it either. I never wanted to be this pathetic, curled up in my bed pretending that I'm sick so grandma won't force me to go to school. She still doesn't know all that's happened but I didn't want to bore her with teenage drama.

That's all this is. Teenage drama.

So why did it feel like the end of the world?

Probably because my entire world revolved around Ace and now I might have ruined everything we shared. I should have been content being his friend, that should have been enough. What happened to us as kids brought us together, made our bond stronger than any man could ever hope to break. Why did I have to be so greedy? Why couldn't I let Ace be happy with Holly while I slowly shriveled away on the sidelines? That was a life I could enjoy, I've been doing so for a long time.

If nothing else, at least Ace would still be talking to me if none of this happened. I haven't heard from him in a week, just like the week prior when he spent five days at Bobby's nursing Creston back to health. This week was different though. Ace was going to school, I wasn't. But after everything that has occurred, I felt as though I were trespassing by going back to school. Trespassing on Holly's territory and on the ground she has claimed for herself.

Just like I trespassed with her man.

I should have kept my mouth shut, everything would be normal. At least I wouldn't feel so terrible that I can't even convince myself to get out of bed, let alone eat.

Surprisingly, no candles came to me during my time of depression. Their wise words would have been lost on me anyways, I didn't really feel like being lectured by a bunch of inanimate objects. And due to the shadow's absence, Elena actually ventured up to my room. Only for a minute and only to bring me a sandwich accompanied by a bottle of water.

She also placed a small bag on the corner of my desk. As she backed away, she smiled and said, "It for the thing that creeps. It gone, for now. But it come back. Bag help keep Genveev safe."

I almost told her to let the shadow take me but knowing Elena, she would have called in the Ghostbusters that very moment so I kept my mouth shut. Besides, she was only looking out for me. I could deal with a few strange bags around my room and the occasional spell she seems to cast in her native tongue. While I had absolutely no idea what she was doing, it was sweet for her to care.

But after Elena descended the stairs, I was left to my solitude once more. I've been wearing the same cotton shorts and t-shirt since yesterday and I have yet to shower. I certainly needed one. My hair was dirty, my clothes were wrinkled, and I felt like throwing myself out the window. But a shower wouldn't necessarily help with the last one.

Of course that wouldn't do much good considering there was a soft flower bed only two stories below. Unfortunately, I probably wouldn't die. I'd only suffer a broken limb to match my broken heart. But hey, who was paying attention to that sort of thing?

I eyed the slice of pizza grandma brought up here earlier today. My stomach rumbled in hunger, I haven't eaten anything for a while. But when I sat up to reach for it, nausea turned my organs over like tumbleweeds. So I laid back down with no further intention of getting up again.

My phone buzzed beside me. I had a text from Carmen.

Figured you'd want to see this.

Below this text was a video. I hit the play button.

Double Jinx (Wattys2017)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora