Chapter 28

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Bones cracked on impact. Then there was nothing but pain.

I screamed, the sound erupting from my throat the like the inferno circling my hand. Instant tears breached my eyes, spilling down my face in waves. Fire, white hot fire consumed my hand, searing it until nothing remained.

Pain rippled up my arm, centering in the crumpled and disfigured portion of my hand still buried beneath Vic's foot. He twisted his boot one way, then the other, destroying any intact bone that may have survived. Shrieks tore from my throat as I beat my good arm against Roman's leg, trying desperately to get him to release me. Pain, so much pain. It scorched every inch of my skin and bone, penetrating my body like bullets, shredding through me and sending imminent waves of anguish up my arm and into my chest.

It hurt, oh God, it hurt. More than anything I've ever felt before. Worse than when Mr. Hunt beat my hand with a hammer. I wasn't sure how I could tell but I knew. This engulfing flame of agony throbbing in my arm, slaughtering what once had been a part of my body, was much worse than that night ten years ago.

This was unimaginable.

This hurt more than my heart stopping.

Somewhere above me I heard laughter, somewhere farther away I heard angered but terrified shouts, but none of it matter. None of it could compete with the ringing in my ears as sobs wracked through me like convulsing tidal waves.

I wailed louder, the sound of it was foreign even to me as I continued pulling at my arm. Squirming and fighting to get my limb away from the cause of this destruction. Slowly, the weight from my arm disappeared as Roman stepped backwards. Then did the weight from my hand though it hurt just as bad coming off as it had going on. I jerked my hand to my chest, cradling it, rolling on my back as cries of torture pierced the night.

"Genevieve, Genevieve listen to me!" I heard a voice demand from somewhere nearby. It sounded sad, close to tears even, but still strong in a way that I couldn't currently comprehend. My body yearned to listen to that voice but the fires of pain extinguished that desire almost immediately.

I felt my heart shift into overdrive as a cold sweat broke out on my skin. Wave after wave of flames burned through my hand and up my arm, making it's way into my chest where it made residence. Just then, a new pain burst to life as something pierced my heart, poking and prodding.

The pain turned to panic and wreaked havoc.

Another sob choked from my throat as hot tears flowed from my eyes. The fire scorching my hand combined with the pain slashing through my heart, and it was all too much. I felt my back arch sharply, my grip tightening on my wrist as my nails broke through skin. My breaths went shallow as everything sharpened to razor focus. So much fire, so much hell.

Then it all stopped.

My body settled on the pavement, sending my consciousness into a vortex of fire and agony with a distant voice calling out my name.


Pain. Nothing but blistering, intense pain. Anguish, with murderous intent. I'm going to die. I can't fight this, it's too much.

I am going to die.


My eyes cracked open, just barely. With the movement came more pain. A dull ache resided in my chest which grew with each thump of my heart. But that ache was overshadowed by something much bigger, much more painful.

Much more devastating.

"Genevieve, can you hear me?" Someone asked. I turned my head towards the sound. There Ace sat, still cuffed to the pipe with dried blood crusting his face which by now was swollen and purple. Next to him was Creston, his eyebrows drawn together in concern. Beside Creston was Holly, her face ashen and stained by tears.

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