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The door opened quietly and another man entered. It was the captain. I was surprised that he also took care of this side of the job. I figured the king would have a specialist.

The captain stepped into the range of the light. He had straight dark brown hair that came to just above his ears and his eyes were a startling blue. I was used to being short, but seated in the chair he towered over me. He had a haughty air about him, as all highborn individuals did, as though he knew he was better than everyone else.

"Captain." The two guards said simultaneously and saluted.

He nodded at them and they relaxed.

"Wow, a captain," I said, smirking at him, hoping that he would focus on the supercilious smile on my lips and miss the fear in the depths of my eyes. My only power here was how I acted and I had sworn to myself a long time ago after waking up bloody and broken that I would never again let my enemy see my fear.

"You do not speak unless spoken to." He hit me across the face, relaying his message in actions as well as words. He spoke roughly and in a tone that showed he expected to be obeyed.

The captain paced slowly around the room, circling the chair I was tied to. His face went in and out of the shadows.

"Understand this, wench,"

"I have a name, ya know." Even in this situation I had a hard time keeping my mouth from running. "It's Kade."

I saw blinding white light as a guard pounded his fist into my face. I blinked rapidly.

"I can have you sent to the mines with a snap of my fingers," the captain threatened. I narrowed my eyes.

"Understand this," The captain began again, "I am tremendously angry for what occurred yesterday."

"Why? Cause it's your hide?" My traitor mouth said.

"No!" The captain snarled. His green eyes blazed. "It's yours." I had obviously hit a tender spot. "Thus," He continued, "I would advise not pissing me off anymore than you already have, because I can go get an expert, if you prefer." Now his voice was light.

I remained silent.

"What were you doing, Kade, before you..." He searched for the right word and didn't find it, "...interrupted...the parade?"

"Running from some people." I said, fairly certain he wouldn't be all that impressed with my story about the Market Kings and the knife I stole.


"They were chasin' me."

The captain turned away, but not before I thought I saw a hint of a grin. Even though he was highborn, I started to dislike him just a little less.

Until he signaled something to the guards and the one with the round face buried his fist in my stomach, dispelling all the air in my lungs. I gasped for air, not finding any and then finally sucking it in in great mouthfuls. "Do not disrespect me further," he snapped.

I calmed my rapid gasping and said nothing.

"Why did you run into the street in front of the King and Queen?" He continued with his previous line of questioning.

"I didn't mean too. It was a complete accident."

"Then why were you armed?"

"Do you really think I would 'ave been stupid enough to attack the King and Queen? And if that had been my only aim then I would 'ave used different weapons instead of just a few knives." I strained against the ties holding me to the chair; I needed him to believe me. "Honestly, if I had really wanted to kill the King an' Queen I would have just sat on a roof top and shot them with a bow. Safer and easier and smarter!" I said, my voice growing stronger as I grew more adamant.

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