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Gannon leisurely cut downward and I took a step back. Gannon continued with his sequence of strikes and swung the sword back up, stepping closer to me. I stepped back again, avoiding the blade.

"You can't back away forever," Gannon said, laughing. He finished the sequence of strokes with a horizontal cut from right to left. I raised my sword and the sound of metal clanging against metal rang out through the courtyard.

"Very good, we crossed swords," Gannon said, an annoying instructor.

"He is just toying with her," Chale said, watching the fight intently.

I easily dodged Gannon's next strikes, occasionally using my sword to block his. My wrists were already straining to hold the sword.

"Imagine what would happen if Gannon found out he was fighting his future monarch." Chale said, chuckling quietly.

"Imagine what your captain would say if he found out that you allowed your injured princess to fight a guard," said a voice from behind them. "My mistake, I meant when."

The three guards swung around and immediately stood at attention. I almost tripped as I clumsily tried to slice at Gannon and look to see if Brinian would stop the fight.

"And imagine what her family would say if they saw their recently returned daughter fighting a guard," The captain added.

Then, glancing behind Brinian, I saw the king and a brown haired boy. My three guards quickly bowed, faces tensed.

I blocked out the audience and refocused on Gannon. I moved around him like water, staying out of the distance of his sword. My sword was in front of me but I barely moved it, instead using my speed to keep him swinging wildly at me.

I backed up and wiped some sweat off my brow, wincing when I hit the healing skin above my eyebrow. It was still tender.

Gannon made another attempt and feinted right. I fell for it and leaped left only to see Gannon's sword coming right at me. I panicked and swung my sword towards him. Metal clanged. Rather than pull back and try another swing, Gannon pushed his weight down through his sword and onto mine. Our swords were crossed at the hilt and mine was slowly moving back. I put my other hand up to the blade to push on the flat but Gannon was much stronger than me.

Dread ran through me, but also anger. I could not let a man overpower me simply because he was bigger and stronger. I could not let Gannon slowly push me to the ground. I had been on the ground in front of a man before and I had vowed to never let it happen again.

I dropped away, rolling between Gannon's legs. The movement brought Gannon off balance and he stumbled. I jumped to my feet and as Gannon was turning around, I brought my sword up to his neck. He froze, mouth open and brow furrowed in surprise. He raised his hands; one with the sword still in it to show that he was yielding.

I brought the sword down and turned around to see shock on everyone's faces. I nodded at the king behind my three guards and at the guard captain.

Suddenly something slammed into the side of my head. I stumbled to the side, dropping my sword and falling on one knee. My ears were ringing from Gannon slamming his hilt into the side of my face. The ground was blurry but I pushed myself up, hearing people shouting 'foul'. Chale and Emmett surged past me, fury written across their faces.

I turned around to see Gannon struggling against my guards. Chale looked mad enough to kill him. I could hear the king speaking harshly with Brinian behind me but I couldn't distinguish the exact words. I put my hands up to my temples and waited a moment. The ringing didn't go away but my vision was clearing.

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