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I turned and ran straight into Daivon. Stumbling backward, Daivon grabbed my shoulders and kept me on my feet.

"Are you alright? Who was that?" Daivon fired at me as soon as I was steady. Did he suspect?

"I'm fine, just a slight bit fatigued." I rubbed my face, careful not to smudge any of the powder or rouge Maurice had put on my cheeks. "And that was just another person who wanted to dance with me. Honestly, I can't remember a single name from today except Johen, Marek's friend."

"Johen," Daivon burst out. "That scoundrel was here and did not track me down. It's been a few years since I have seen him."

"He talked to Marek and he danced with me. We had a fine time goading Marek together," I explained, letting Daivon lead me over to a cluster of chairs. My feet really were killing me.

"I need you to fend off anyone else that wants to dance with me while I inconspicuously try to nap right here," I told Daivon after sitting down. I kicked off my shoes and shoved them under the chair too.

Daivon snickered and raised his thumb, index and middle finger. A servant clad in white and purple hurried over with a tray of wine glasses balanced on one hand. "Thanks," Daivon muttered and took a glass.

Moments later my eyes were closed and my head propped up. I looked for all the world like I was having a conversation with Daivon. For a few moments I even caught a wink of sleep.

I woke to an elbow in my ribs and wrenched my head up and my eyes open just in time to see Dionisa, stunning in emerald, walk up to Daivon and myself.

"My sweet, you look dead on your feet. You may leave the ball at any time. I believe Cynthia, Arabelle and many other young people have already retired. Thank you for such a splendid performance tonight," Dionisa gave me a tender kiss on the forehead and turned to leave.

"Mother," I burst out. She turned, her concern written on her face. I forced my voice to come out light instead of urgent. When had it gotten so hard to lie to her?


"Can you and father and my brothers and sisters please come to my chambers tomorrow at the ninth and a half hour. Maisa too, I think she ought to be there. I-I have to tell you all something really important," I barely choked out the last sentence.

"Certainly, my dear. Will it take long?" Dionisa's eyes were a little unfocused, as though seeing her schedule written in the air in front of her.

"No, mother. It will be short," I assured her.

"Alright, I'll let everyone know."

After a minute Daivon turned to me and said, "Arabelle and I aren't invited?"

"I suppose you may come if you wish." I pictured the parchment: royal relatives. "Actually, I would be much obliged if you and Arabelle could attend. I'll alert my servants to let you in as well."

Daivon smiled at me and then offered me his arm. "Allow me to escort you out, cousin, for I feel certain that you would like to retire to your rooms."

"I would," I gave him an affectionate grin and took the provided arm.

Once in my room, I had Daria help me undress and take the pins out of my hair. She placed the crown on my dresser carefully, exclaiming over how beautiful it was.

I dismissed her when she was done. "I have been surrounded by people all evening. I just need to be alone for a while. I will see you in the morning," I told Daria, giving her a hug.

"Tomorrow, you begin to teach Niva and I how to defend ourselves," Daria said, beaming proudly.

My heart clenched at the idea that I might not get a tomorrow with Daria and Niva. I even felt sad at the thought of never seeing Maurice again or hearing her gruff and demanding voice tell me what to do. But then I thought of Tobin.

"Tomorrow," I said, proud of the way my voice did not catch in my throat. And if my eyes seemed to sparkle a little extra before Daria left, at least I held back my tears until she closed the door.

I collapsed on my bed on top of the covers, dressed in a loose silk shift. I sighed and tried to forget about tomorrow.

Incidentally, I feel asleep rather quickly only to be woken an hour later by a tap on the door. I stumbled over, blinking my eyes rather fast, to open the door, a knife clutched in my left fist. Old habits die hard.

I yanked open the door to see Brinian, clad in his imposing dress uniform. The black tunic had blue trim and silver cuffs and silver filigree on the belt. The guard wore blue and black instead of the royal colors of purple and white. His sword sheath and dagger sheath were not the usual battered brown ones that he wore everyday. Instead they were wrought with silver and shone like the moon.

"Kade," he said as way of greeting.

"Brinian, what can I do for you?" I yawned.

"May I enter?"

I stepped out of the doorway and he walked in, a hand absentmindedly on his sword hilt. I closed the door loudly and walked over to sit on the edge of my bed. I yawned again as I waited for Brinian to begin. He paced around my room, opening and closing his mouth many times but never starting to talk.

"You are going to wear a hole through the floor and then where will we be?" I finally asked, blinking up at him slowly like an owl.

He huffed and finally sat on the edge of a chair facing me. "I can't figure out how to start."

"I guessed that on my own," I commented.

"The beginning is important," Brinian continued as though he hadn't heard me. "If I mess up the beginning, then it's all over."

"Then start talking about something else instead and eventually what you want to say will come out, and it will feel more natural and less forced," I suggested.

Brinian ran a hand through his short brown hair and looked up at me. "I'm sorry I didn't make it to the ball. I had promised to there, but the security patrols and everything kept me from dancing at all. And when I finally had time, almost everyone had already retired." He fell silent.

"Is that what you were struggling to say?" I asked.

"No. No, I was just taking your advice."


He looked up at me finally. "I'm sorry that did not get to dance with you."

"Oh! Brinian, it is really alright," I reassured him.

"It's not. I made a promise and I couldn't carry it out." I couldn't stand the self-loathing look on his face. I stood before I had even thought out my idea.

"The night is not over. Brinian of Silverdell, may I have this dance?"

He jerked his head up at me and swallowed, "Are you sure?"

"That was not a yes." I said annoyed.

He smiled at my crossness. "Yes." And put his hand in mine. I pulled him to his feet. I put my hand in his and picked up the skirt of my shift with the other. Brinian put his other hand on my waist. Through the thin fabric of my shift I could feel his heat radiating into my body. I was instantly awake. My previous drowsiness was hardly a memory.

"Shall we?" Brinian asked, looking down slightly into my eyes.

I gave a slow smile and said, "I'm not wearing any shoes so don't you dare step on my feet."

"And begin," he said. "And I'll have you know that I am a great dancer."

I chuckled and we began to move. Brinian spun me around and around. I smiled and got hair in my mouth. I spit it out, causing Brinian to laugh. We laughed and we danced to no music. It was the best dance of the night.    

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