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The guards hauled me out of the room and through the palace to another level. I was too tired to deduce our path and plan an escape route.

The guards dragged me into a room with smooth stone walls and childish furniture. Toys were ordered and put away. I assumed that this was the childhood room of Alyssandra, and had never been changed. I wrinkled my nose at the opulence.

Three maids stood side-by-side in the room and when they saw me, they curtsied.

"Milady," They chorused.

I flinched at the words. This was insane; I hated nobles and suddenly I was one of them. Would I ever get used to this? I hoped not. "Don't do that again." I demanded.

The maids caught my angry stare and were clearly unsure of what they had done to offend me, so they remained silent, terrified to ask. Terrified because I was covered in blood and looked very irritable.

"Milady, you do scare them." A different voice said. I whipped my head around to see the owner of the new voice. "Perhaps you remember me," An older woman said, standing in the doorway. She was much older than the other three and had graying hair in a bun atop her head. "I was your nurse," She said, coming forward and curtsying. "Before you were taken, of course. And I can still make you go without dinner if you don't mind your manners, so be polite to your maids."

I snorted and rolled my eyes in a very unladylike manner. "I would like to see you try!"

The woman just smiled and I could tell that she didn't let royalty push her around. My opinion of her grew exponentially. "I am Maurice. This is Niva." She gestured to the smallest maid with short brown hair and matching eyes. She looked to be about thirteen.

"Eliza." This one had long brown slightly wavy tresses. She had a curvy body and looked to be several years older than me. She stepped forward and curtsied again. Eliza took me in with a measuring look. She was clearly pleased at my common clothes, dirty face, and beauty-marring injuries and scars. Eliza seemed one who liked to be the prettiest in the room.

"And Daria." This girl hid her emotions behind a smooth mask similar to the way I disguised my emotions. However, I was excellent at reading people and could detect an overall guardedness in her eyes, as well as curiosity.

I nodded curtly and sank into a chair, exhausted at the events of the day so far. I was undernourished and weak from blood loss. Also, appearing weakened and helpless might make these people underestimate me more than they already had. It might provide an opportunity for escape at a later date. I wasn't staying in this gilded cage.

Maurice wrinkled her nose and winced as I settled back in the cream-colored velvet chair, getting my sewer and prison stench all over the cushions. I sank father into the chair, rubbing mud and who knows what else into the smooth fabric.

"Her majesty wished the girl to be washed up and presentable." One of the guards relayed in a deep, rumbly voice.

"And she will be." Maurice stated. She waited but the guards weren't getting the hint. Finally Maurice flicked her fingers, shooing the guards away.

The bald guard shook his head, "Sorry, Maurice. 'S our orders to stay with the girl. Got to keep her in our sight."

Maurice sighed and turned away, ignoring them. I felt the guards take up positions behind me. I was on edge, waiting for this whole charade to be over at any moment.

"Come, Milady," Eliza said, touching my arm very briefly. I stayed put; I was exhausted but hadn't noticed it until I sat down. "Milady," Eliza said a bit more forcefully.

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