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"Umm, hello," I said, quietly closing the door behind me. My muscles were tensed to run from years and years of instinct, my shoulders hunched to avoid a hit.

One of the blonde guards jerked his head in greeting, but otherwise they kept studying me, perhaps trying to find what made me a suitable princess. I hoped that if they found the answer they would fill me in.

"So what is there to do in this massive place? Can I go into the city? " I asked, my lips stretching into a tense smile.

"Milady, you are not allowed to leave." The dark haired guard shifted his weight onto the balls of his feet.

"There is nothing to do in my room," I said, a small spark of indignation rising in my chest.

"Captain's orders," a different guard said, the one who had nodded at me.

"Screw the captain. I need to get out, to feel a little bit of freedom and get some air." I pushed my shoulders back and set my feet.

"We can't let you leave," the dark haired guard said, sounding genuinely regretful. I shook it off, promising myself that I was mistaken.

"I'm not going back in there." I flexed my fists.

He noticed and frowned. He turned to his companions and said quietly, "Surely if we accompany her the captain would be more lenient."

The guard who hadn't spoken yet shook his head. "The captain said she was tricky."

"Emmett?" The dark haired guard asked, turning to the last guard.

"I think we can handle a girl," he said at last.

They all turned back to where I was standing, studiously studying my nails; they were cleaner than they had ever been. "Oh, you've reached a decision." My voice was full of derision.

"We were assigned as your personal guard, milady, so if you wish to leave your chambers then we will accompany you." The dark haired guard answered. He was a head taller than me and likely in his early twenties. The other two guards were about the same age, probably a little older but not necessarily as tall.

"What are your names?" I asked.

"Emmett," The oldest one said with a bow in greeting.

"Chale," the dark haired guard said with a bow and a dazzling smile.

The last guard was the shortest and he had a bored expression on his face. He was the one who had said that they could handle a girl. I wasn't just any girl though. "Locan," he said quietly.

I nodded, feeling like I had to say more. "Nice t' meet you." I pivoted and began walking down the wide hallway. Tables with vases stuffed with flowers were evenly spaced down the walls.

"Milady!" Chale called.

I spun around. "My name is Kade. No more of this "milady' nonsense."

I turned and kept walking down the hallway until it merged into a much larger one. This one had a long carpet running down the middle and the bouquets were much larger. Tapestries and paintings also graced the walls. I contemplated going right or left and finally decided on left for no reason other than feeling like it. The guards trailed behind me.

"Where are you going, mila-Kade?"

I shrugged. "Just wandering. I've never been to the palace before."

"Do you want a tour?" Chale asked.

"All right."

Chale took the lead and led me though the castle, pointing out areas of interest. We wandered through the gallery, which I really didn't pay much attention to. It was all portraits of stuffy rich people clad in their most expensive jewelry. I was imaging how many people each portrait could feed if sold, when Chale pointed out the portraits of King Roger and Queen Amerise, the first king and queen of Arovia. Roger and Prince Baird had led a rebellion against Ulric the Tyrant of Coronado, winning only because the High Priest and Priestess had fought with him. Ulric's son, Baird, had crowned Roger king of the land of Arovia as a gift for helping to remove his barbaric father from the throne. Sounded like a bunch of politics to me.

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