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Time seemed to slow down. I saw Miri look at me with shock on her face as she stumbled a little. Another arrow pierced her back, sinking in too far. I turned my head to see the castle. Three archers were standing just outside the gate at the top of the road. Guards were waiting behind them to collect the bodies. I saw one of the archers pull back and knew that I was his target.

Suddenly everything sped up again. Brinian burst through the crowd of guards and grabbed the archer's bow just as he released. The arrow went wide and Brinian said something to him. I guessed it was something like, "Don't try that again," because the archer stepped back and lowered his bow.

Brinian began to jog down the King's Road toward us with a group of guards following him. Three of them were my personal guards.

I turned back to Miri and dropped to my knees just in time to catch her as she fell. I cradled my best friend in my arms and held her tightly as tears began to drip out of my eyes. Blood was beginning to leak out of Miri's mouth and the back of her black shirt was soaked through.

I felt the presence of others surround us as Miri began to speak. "I just wanted to find my best friend. I just want my...sister back. I don't know what's happening, Kade." Miri's voice was small and scared. I had never heard her sound like that before. She had always been so happy. "I am so sorry, Kade."

"Miri, don't apologize! We'll get Lassa back. Please live so you can see it!"

"I-I..." She took a deep breath.

I knew she was slipping away. "I love you, Miri. Please just stay with me." I leaned down and kissed Miri's forehead. "I would switch places with you, if I could."

"It's not your...fault...Kade. I...love you." Miri closed her eyes. My tears dripped onto her forehead as Miri took her last painful breath and died. I knelt, frozen, her body cradled in my arms.

Something appeared in my line of vision and I flinched but it was only a handkerchief. "Pincess..." Brinian began but stopped.

In the crowd of people gathered around me, consisting of townsfolk, merchants, beggars, servants, guards and nobles, I heard voices yelling and cursing. The steady stream of daily traffic into the castle was being backed up. People were angry that they were forced to wait even longer.

Brinian leaned down. "Alyssandra, people are beginning to talk. They just saw a guard shoot someone running from the palace. They are bound to be confused and upset. You should go inside and find a proper place to mourn. Here, in the street, is not the place to weep."

I stood up, furious. "I can cry wherever the hell I want. Crying is nothing to be ashamed of when someone you love is dead!"

I turned to the crowd. "It is a stupid world we live in when someone cannot mourn the passing of their family without getting judged. It's the tears of their friends and family that fills the River Oblix! Why else do we cry for the ones we love as they leave us? I love Miri. She is family and I am honoring her with my sadness as I will honor her with my happiness. So you can wait a few extra minutes to get though the gates!" I turned away, wiping at another tear.

Brinian realized that he was still holding out his handkerchief and he quickly withdrew it.

After a few more moments of silence, I took one last look at Miri, her dark hair splayed across the cobbled road.

I turned and walked back to the castle, the crowd parting silently to let me through. I never looked back although I can imagine that the Cobras in the crowd came forward and picked up Miri's body and carried her away.

I wiped the tears off my face and realized that although I had lost a reason to remain in the castle I had gained a new one. I had gained another reason to do what the priest had asked of me. I was no longer just here to rescue my little brother. I had something else to do besides bring this kingdom's wealthy to justice. I was also here to avenge Miri's death. This country failed her for her entire life. I wouldn't fail her too.

I was going to take down the monarchs and the nobles and the rich bastards in this country. I was going to see the hierarchy in this kingdom crumble. I was going to see those high up, those with privilege and riches, fall low. I was going to see this through, for Tobin, for Miri, and for all the rest of the people who fight for life everyday but never get anywhere because the people on the hill just kick them down again and again. I was going to save Tobin, save Lassa and help those priests bring the nobles to their knees. I was going to start the earthquake that would tear this system down, brick by brick, man by man.

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