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Farkle's Pov.

I opened the door with Ezra and Sabine following me.
"Thank goodness you guys came... It gets a little creepy in here," Kallus said.
"What did you do to Mia?" I asked.
He gave me a look and said,"I didn't do anything.... Do I like look like a person that would hurt their daughter? Wait.... Please don't answer that." I asked,"Then who did?"

Should I ask?

"Before you answer that..... Is it true that a disease that makes you want to kill everyone in your family bloodline?" I asked. Kallus gave me a look.
"You mean the Death diease?" He asked. I said,"Whatever it's called but is it?" He nodded and asked,"Why?" I looked at Sabine and then back at Kallus.
"I think she may be getting it," I answered.

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