Chapter 34 - Mom?

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Surprise! You guys really wanted me to update so here it is! Double update! I really hope you enjoy and without further ado, let's go on with the chapter! (It's a long one)

Daphne's POV

I woke up with a killer headache, making me groan. My vision was foggy making me rapidly blink to try and clear it up. I rubbed at my eyes as all that happened hit me. I was kidnapped. Kyle betrayed me. To think that I really trusted him. I mean he trained me and showed me how to fight. I groaned again. I swore under my breath and sat up, my vision now clear.

I looked around and saw that I was in a huge bedroom. I was on a HUGE bed that felt as if it was made of clouds. I had a blood red blanket covering me, making me shiver. Across from me was a large tv that had a flickering camp fire on it. To the side, there was a white chair that had a furry blanket and pillow laid on it. The floor was a tan carpet that was fluffy.

On the other wall next to the chair, was a small book case with books filling the shelves. To the left of that, there were some glass doors that led to a small balcony, the sun leaking in through them.  Across from there was a large cherry brown wardrobe, that had a vintage vibe. On the left of the wardrobe was an open door that seemed to belong to a huge bathroom. The light was turned on in there letting me see the huge bathtub that was in there. On the wall closest to me, was the door that I guess led to my freedom.

Wait. If I was kidnapped, why am I in a really nice room? Shouldn't I be in like a cellar? Ok, maybe I'm lucky that didn't happen.

I quickly got up off the bed and regretted it. The room started to spin so I sat my butt down again. As it stopped spinning, I got up again but, made sure I did it slow. I went over to the door suspecting it to be locked but, to my surprise, was unlocked. I slowly opened the door trying not to make noise. I stuck my head out and saw that there was no one in the long narrow hall.

I stepped out cautiously onto the red carpet. Why so much red?! Oh wait never mind. Hehe. I walked in a random direction only hoping that it was a way out. If my suspicions were correct, I am in Zander's house so if I find the training room, I'll be able to get out from there. The only problem was, I had never been in this part of the house so I was blindly walking in a house full of vampires.

I mean for all I knew I could be walking to a hungry vampire that likes drinking blood of people that are beautiful and likes to flip their weave because they know it. Oh dear maybe I should turn around, if that vampire found me, he would suck ALL the blood from me! Ok ok, stop being weird mind! You always do this when your scared or worried! And now I'm talking to my mind. Ok deep breaths. You are not crazy.

At least that's what I told myself to try and stay sane in this situation. I passed many doors until I reached the end of the hallway. There were two large doors where there seemed to be some noises behind. I weighed my options on whether I should open them or not and decided against it. Who knows what could be behind them.

I turned around and passed all the doors again. The other end of the hall didn't seem to be a dead end, around the corner was another hallway that led to some spiraling stairs.

I went to the stairs and went down, my shoes making slight noise as I did. This place really is huge. It made me wonder how Arron's whole house looked like since I've only been on the first and second floor. Eh.

Once I reached far enough, I stopped to make sure there was no one around. Nothing. I'm not sure if this is a good thing. But then again when I used to train with Kyle, I didn't really see many people *cough vampires* so I guess this was good?

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