Rise Of Pandora: III. Death Song

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"Do you believe in giant monsters?"

-Alareiks Menhara

I. Vikings, Near the outer wall at the Mesfirian Kingdom

War cries from Deathknights rang out menacingly in the Colossal Snowpeak Woods.

"Gate Bearers! Soldiers! Prepare yourselves! The Deathknights are upon us!" One of the Ereignfall soldiers shouted, his veins pumping with hot red blood.

He was nervous. The Gate Bearers and soldiers were nervous. They watched as the forest in the distance was becoming more and more engulfed by scorching hot fire and smoke.

Trails of smoke, fire, destruction followed in the wake of those ghastly entities as they charged from our of the forest and into the open pasture. They were large fiery bodies of armor fashioned and interworked by otherworldly sorcery, an ominous collection of wrathful, sentient beings.

"Ready your bows! Under no circumstance can we allow them into Sindirin!" A Gate Bearer who went by the name of Tenniss Everwood shouted at the peak of lungs to his soldiers on the other parts of the wall!

The Gate Bearers dipped the tips of their arrows into small stone compartments hidden in the battlements. The water was taken from the scorching hot Hephaestus Sea itself.

"Loose," Everwood commanded!

A siege of searing arrows soared hundreds of feet and crashed upon the hoards of the imposing Deathknights and the undead beasts which they rode upon. These creatures they rode on were impervious to any sensations and were capable of withstanding the fire which flared from the Deathknights.

Flurries of steaming arrows shot out from all parts of the outer wall. Those arrows came descending strongly upon the mass forces of the fearless Deathknights like vicious rainfall. The first siege of arrows did little than leave the earth injured and blanketed with small wooden arrows. Those rushing beasts forged from obscure metal and searing hot flames below were seemingly unaffected, not a single one was struck down. Their fiery armors repelled all arrows that descended upon them.

"Fire at will! Remember we are aiming for open sockets! I believe in you men!" Everwood yelled after seeing that no Deathknight was struck down.

The arrows pierced deeply into the decayed, yet seemingly unfeeling, bodies of the animals which the Deathknights rode on but they trampled on past the arrows seemingly unaffected. The creatures which they rode bore hideous and grotesque appearances, with portions of their foul and rotten flesh peeling from their bodies and their fur and hide flaking away into the brisk distance, leaving the remnants of what were likely once animals.

The humans at the Mesfirian gates released yet another flurry of boiled obsidian arrows down at the Deathknights. But then something very peculiar caught the eyes of several of the Gate Bearers and soldiers atop the wall. Those Deathknights had bows and arrows within their fiery grasps.

"They have bows and arrows," a panicked Ereignfall soldier yelped!

It was difficult to hear. The arrows fell like rain upon them. One arrow shot by a young boy struck one Deathknight that was running on its two feet.

The distance between them and the gates of the first shire south of Sindirin was becoming ever tighter. The scared and startled sounds of the humans dispersed throughout the curtain wall. The war bells continued ringing. They worked diligently to prevent the Deathknights from entering into the empire, fighting to their best ability but those flaming beasts who were, until yesterday, once lost to myth could not be tamed so simply.

"I got the bastard! Did you see that father? Wait—wait, let me show you again. Are you watching?" A content Gate bearer shouted at Tenniss proudly while loading another arrow into his bow. A look of nervousness was rooted deep in his expression, his hands could hardly remain still.

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