(PART ONE) Rise of Pandora: I. The Fatherland

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"Pangaea...what an unusual place. I don't know whether to envy or pity its inhabitants."

- Gaijin


I. Monarch, In Brynhild, Capital of the Sindirin Empire

It was the year eight hundred forty-three and something peculiar was happening in the old country of Sindirin.

The fresh northern skies mixed evenly with both warm and wintry colors, a brilliant magenta sky shimmering harmoniously with the stars until they stilled into one soft union, creating a calm magenta sky. However, just below this azure was the great and ancient capital, Brynhild, where calmness could not be said the same for. The ceaseless shuffling of feet, cheerful chats and enthused dancing ravished every inch of this bustling town. Lanterns were posted down every street and pathway by the soldiers who, too, shared in on the festivities and gaiety.

Crowds upon crowds of people joined together in droves, all beaming at the mouths with toothy smiles that extended ear to ear, a sentiment that swept through all of the capital like some sort of contagion. Mugs and chalices which were filled to the brim with either rum or red wine were in the hands of many of the adults. The children who snuck off from their families chose to roam around in groups, exploring and playing as children do, and the more delinquent children snuck their way inside the many homes that were left vacant to drink just like the adults. Truly, in these times, it was unusual for the people to join together in such delight.

Nonetheless, women, men, and children of all different backgrounds, classes, and beliefs were joined hand in hand in merry songs and humorous banter. They were hastening in from all different directions of the capital and it seemed it was the same destination they were all rushing toward—the Solstice Coliseum in the citadel which was directly near the Opal Castle, the home of the Menharas for the past several generations. The citadel was erected upon the summit known as 'the Rising Hill'. It was a very large hill, many homes, schools, and municipal buildings were built there, and the Opal Castle sat at the very top nearby the coliseum.

The country of Sindirin, where the old saying 'Blood for Blood' was revered as the most notable house words held by any family across the land and these very words belonged to none other than the Menhara dynasty, the peak of the aristocracy in the north, a land with a long and foreboding history.

The large capital gates slowly shut as the last of the voyagers in view of the capital's walls entered Brynhilld. After being examined and processed by the Gate Bearers of the capital, the last of the people were safely let inside. These several thousand people who had been enjoying themselves within Brynhild were largely among the hopeful voyagers who had journeyed from all over Shyonnississ.

Shyonnississ was the empire in the north, the great union of ten powerful nations, each with a unique history and culture—Sindirin, Aeryngrave, Thykran, Edelaviel, Edelaviel-esprit, Jiradus, Ereignfall, Legridian, Corinth, and lastly Solaris, the nation dubbed 'the exiled country.'

The thousands who arrived in the capital came here to celebrate the yearly festival of Survivor's Day, and although that was reason enough for the taking such a journey, the festival was not all they had come for. They were here for another thing, too. They came to the capital with the hopes of witnessing the new marvel of the north, the popular talk of the empire for the last two years, the twentieth effigy. This effigy, though it was as grand and monumental as the nineteen that were built before it, was unlike all of the others. Where the previous nineteen effigies were constructed in the forms of the old idols like the King of Gods, Zeus, this newest monument was created in the honor of a separate deity, one belonging to a different faith.

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