Rise Of Pandora: VI. Saying A Prayer

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"We are not good since this world we exist inside simply does not permit it."


III. Maddened

Under the growing rain and wind, Maddard wailed unrelentingly. He continued to claw away at the prevalent debris that covered his wife. He ascended from off his knees and then continued in a crouched stance, still clearing away debris. Past the lining of trees behind Maddard's home was a Deathknight riding on the back of an undead moose with a body covered in ruffled white fur. It was riding into the pasture where Maddard was. Maddard, who was oblivious to this, continued pulling off the debris that covered his wife, his body wet and turning blue from the growing cold. 

There was a hellish beauty about the Deathknight and the undead moose which it rode upon. The Deathknight's armored glittered and dazzled, and it was much larger and brawnier than most others. The dead being's white fur was like a soiled blanket of snow and had two soulless white eyes. The fires that burned from within the chambers of the Deathknight was so powerful it evaporated the rain as soon as it touched the surface of its armor. Yet, the creature it rode on was unaffected by the severe heat radiating.

They were charging towards Maddard, the creature's hooves stamping hard against the ground. Maddard had still not noticed. He was solely devoted to Emis. His shaky hands struggled to lift the debris that used to be their small home. He began muttering as if he were saying a prayer. Mucus seeped onto his lips and down to his short beard. His hot red eyes poured endlessly with streams of cold tears. He finally heard the clattering hooves and he turned around and saw the Deathknight charging towards him.

But Maddard had also noticed something else lurking by the cluster of trees. He could not make out what it was but it did appear to be a man dressed in a black winter cloak from what he managed to discern. The person was standing by a tree and seemed to be waiting for the Deathknight. He was holding two swords in his hands, it was hard to make out more other than his outlines from where Maddard was kneeling. 

The figure crept up warily in front of a small coniferous tree which was in the path the Deathknight was riding down and then he stood still. He waited patiently while the moose sprinted towards him. The moose after running for a short period of time finally rode near the mysterious figure. The man dressed in black jumped on the large moose hastily, thrusting both swords into the side of the moose's large belly. It lost balance and tipped onto its side along with the Deathknight who roared viciously. The man then rubbed his body sorely after coming so close to the Deathknight's fire.

He muffled his anguish under a calm facade. He quickly attempted to drive both of his swords into the Deathknight's chest. 

He then retracted away from the Deathknight due to the intense heat it emitted. While squinting, he looked to see the area he stabbed. The injured region of the armor seemed hollow, only flames could be seen inside. The person reached for a string necklace that strung up a dark brown mask with strange markings and with two open holes for the eyes. While the Deathknight attempted to get up, the person pulled off the mask from the necklace and then held it gently on his face, holding it there for a while.

He then slowly withdrew his hand, and the mask was now stuck to his face. It began to beat like a heart while still fixed to his face. It began to grow and wrap around his head like organic matter. It took over his face, growing a space for his mouth and nostrils. He then continued the attack on the Deathknight swinging his blade, cutting off its right gauntlet. The fallen moose continued to twist and wrangle on the ground.

He continuously assaulted the flaming armored being with his swords and now he was not so afraid to get near the hulking monstrosity. The brawny Deathknight writhed frenetically, trying to evade the attacker all while trying to recover its balance. The burns on his body from his initial encounter with the Deathknight suddenly began to cool down and heal shortly after; however, the scorched tissue remained, leaving a dark sore on his skin where his clothes had been burned. Beyond the exposed skin were old legions that covered his arms and parts of his torso.

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