Short Intro

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It has been a year since the end of the Giant War, but life had been far from easy for Percy Jackson. He came home to discover his apartment destroyed and his mom and step-dad gone. Immediately a search had gone out for the couple was obviously well liked. I don't mean just any old search. Sure the humans had their investigations, but Olympus itself had sent out search parties of Satyrs, gods and demigods. The distraught Percy had lead as many of them as his body would physically allow. 

But nothing turned up. It was as if they had simply vanished off the face of the earth and Hades swore on the river Styx that they weren't in the Underworld. 

There is a knocking on the door and Percy opens it to see the two cops that had managed the case since the beginning, Rob and Ellen. Ellen directs Percy to sit on the couch and she perches on the chair across from him. His leaden heart seems to drop into his feet. 

"Percy as you know nothing has turned up, " Ellen starts kindly. However she is quick as always to get to the point. "We just can't continue this investigation any longer. You're going to be 18 soon so we decided it would be best if you just went and lived with a family member until after high school."

None of this a suprise except-

"I don't have any family, " Percy states matter of factly.

Rob looks uncomfortable. "Well that's the thing. It turns out your mom was adopted just after she was born. She has a biological younger brother."

Percy is stunned for a second. Sure his mom didn't look like the grandparents he had seen pictures of, but he never thought she had been adapted. Did she even know?

"Who?" he asks after a moment. 

Rob seems to swallow a rock. Over the last year he has gotten to know Percy. He knows Percy doesn't like any extra attention brought to him. " Tony Stark, the man behind the mask of Ironman."

So there you go tell me what you think of the story idea. 

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