Let's Get Back to the First Problem

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A/N You know that moment when you read a fanfic and think 'Dang, I wish I could write like that!' I had that moment today. The fanfic I was reading was amazing. They played with the words like they were art.  

Anyway just needed to share that with you. On with the story.

The summer came to a close rather quickly. Percy's birthday and the start of his final year of high school are just past and Percy has finally managed to convince Tony that as an eighteen year old he's okay to live on his own. So after some convincing, involving little deactivation of JARVIS (thanks to Alicia) and a couple disappearing acts with his tools (thanks to Clint and Natasha) Tony agreed whole-heartily.

Percy stands in his old apartment with a box full of things in his hands and another one on the ground by his feet. He breaths in the familiar scent of candy, lavender and old books, an odd combination that has somehow become the smell of home. Everywhere he looks there are reminders of the couple. The drafts for Sally's book sitting on a desk tucked away in a corner of what used to be the dining room. Paul's English text books from way-back-when piled up on the coffee table. Sally's coat is on the back of one of the kitchen chairs and Paul's is on the back of the door. Their presence is everywhere.

When he had first walked in after the war the place had been trashed, but after he finally calmed down enough and began to live out his normal life again he cleaned it up, placing things exactly where they always went. He still looked for them of course. He never stopped, but life goes on. It's funny, though, Percy's home is always clean, Sally makes sure of that, but there are things scattered here and there, things that have permanently taken up residence in certain spots thanks only to habit. 

He puts the box down on the coffee table and wonders down the hall to his room. There's an underlying mustiness to everything, because he hasn't been back to clean in some time. He's just grateful that they didn't give up completely and sell the place. He opens the door to a messy, typical high school boy's room. It would be rather plain and impersonal if his cloths and other possessions weren't scattered everywhere. 

Percy slings his book bag down onto the floor and flops onto the bed. As dust rises into the air he knows he has to wash the sheets as well. He sighs. It's so lonely and quiet. And for now that's okay. He needs the time to think, to set his mind straight.

He thinks first of his conversation with Annabeth, which he continued at Camp Half Blood three days after they started it. That was the most awkward talk of his life, but in the end everything turned out okay. Annabeth still calls him Seaweed Brain. Thalia still calls him Kelp Head, something everyone else seems to have picked up as well. And for whatever reason Nico doesn't spend more time with him than necessary. Percy was too busy to notice this before, but as everything calms down he can't help but feel a little hurt by the younger boy's avoidance.  Aside from the confrontation in front of the Avengers he hasn't heard the son of Hades say more than five words at a time. He makes a mental note to confront Jason about it, because the blonde leader definetly seems to know something.

Then Percy thinks of Alicia, his new girlfriend. He's still slightly shocked at the whole thing, but oddly comfortable with it. Alicia's perfect in Percy's opinion. She's brilliant sometimes in ways even Annabeth can't keep up with, like her hacking and perceptiveness, but other times she's completely clueless. For one she knows less about architecture than Percy does and that's saying something. She classifies buildings by their creepiness, size, shape and color. Sometimes she makes a reference to a building she's seen on Tv. She also has this interest in history so long as it's not American history. She can tell you our first president and our current president and that we've been through some wars, but nothing else. Her world history isn't amazing either, but she does seem to know more and occasionally she'll know a ridiculous amount some random event or group of people. Percy never feels inferior to her, just overwhelmed sometimes. She's also highly sarcastic, something he can appreciate, but also considerate and moderately selfless. She'll help people when they need, but not excessively. He's a bit glad she made the first move and didn't just let him simmer in his cluelessness for another three years.

Percy turns so he's look out the window. His mind finally wonders to his Mom and Paul. Two amazing people who have been missing for over a year now. According to Nico they aren't dead, but Percy's not sure he should be relieved just. He has many enemies and if one of them went after his parents.... well there are many things worse than death. He wants- no he needs to search for them, but where? He's gone everywhere he possibly can and not even a single trace of them has turned up. 

His fist clenches. He will find them. And when he does he does he will destroy who ever thought they could hurt Sally and Paul. Then of course he will bring them home, let them rest and after a couple days ask if Sally will please make him his blue chocolate chip cookies.

Because all the gods by this point know he needs them.


So this chapter was just to wrap things up and get ready for the sequel!!! I can't wait guys. We can  finally find out what happened to Sally and Paul. I'm also putting a bit of his senior year in this next one so be ready!

The next one will be called, wait for it........ FAMILY TIES

Not an amazing over the top name, I know, but I feel like it works and it goes with Family Habits. Get the theme here? It's Family!

So if you like this story, tell me so in the comment. If you want updates for Family Ties follow me and if both of those things are true, vote. :)

And until the next story

bye bye lovely readers

~Halie <3

Family Habits ( Percy Jackson and the Avengers)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora