Nothing Like Fast Food

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When he pulls back Alicia smiles, "I know one or two things."

He tugs her up by her hand. "Then let me expand your vast knowledge. There's cameras here so lets go into the bathroom."

The bathroom is huge, large enough to park a car in. They climb into the dry tub and sit facing each other. Percy knows that Tony is at least human enough to give everyone their privacy in the bathrooms. Still he keeps his voice low as he begins his story, starting with the faint memory of his father's smile. 

He tells her everything, every tiny detail that pops into his head. He tells her about Mrs. Dodds, Mr. Brunner, Gabe and Minotaur. He describes Thalia's pine and camp, his first quest, the fight with Ares, the fleece, holding the sky, the Labyrinth and even his first kiss with Annabeth. He sadly recounts his memories of Luke and the Battle of Manhatten. Then it's breefly the time after the Titan War with Annabeth. Alicia seems comfortable hearing about his ex and doesn't asks any questions as he tells his story. Nor does she seem surprised.

His mood sombers more as he goes on about Hera's plan, the eight months he lost, Camp Jupiter, everyone he met and journeying to Rome and Greece. He tells her about Tartarus, all of it. His voice is rough and scratchy as he describes the final battle and the loss of Frank. (A/N so sorry to just drop that on you.) His friend had gave up the last of his life, protecting Percy and that was something the son of Poseidon will never forget. He finishes with the alliance between the camps and the events of the last year.

After he finishes they sit there in silence. One of his favorite things about Alicia is that she knows what to say when to say it and even when not to speak at all. It's like she knows exactly what he's thinking and feeling. 

After several minutes she says. "All of that makes me feel hungry."

He looks up and her blue eyes shine back at him, a cocky grin lacing her lips. No questions. No disbelief. That will come later, he knows it will, but it will come slowly. Alicia won't intrude in his demigod life. She'll wait to be invited. 

He nods and they stand up together. "Food sounds amazing right now. I'm tired of being on house arrest. How about the place down the street?"


Tony, who is working in his lab with Bruce, looks up as JARVIS says. "Sir, Percy and Miss Alicia Martin are leaving. Should I stop them?" 

Percy is a lot better than what he was, but he isn't up to doing much. Still he has been bed ridden for four days straight. Tony knows how much that can drive a person crazy. 

"No let him go," he decides. He leans his head back and calls, "Hey Bruce, you up for stalking my nephew?"

The scientist looks up from his microscope. "Can't you just let the kid have his privacy, Tony?"

"He's related to me. There's no such thing."


Bruce had absolutely refused to come so that left, Tony with Clint who was the only other person at the Tower. They sit in a booth three down from Percy and Alicia. Tony has on a baseball cap and Aviators. Clint is sporting a bright red shirt and blue jeans. It's the best disguises they felt like bearing and they seem to do the trick. No one has noticed them. 

Tony hands Clint a device to insert into his ear. Tony already has his in. The little black earpiece will enhance the sound around so they can hear even the faint whispers of the two teens. 

"I was thinking after this I could sneak over to camp. I haven't been there in almost two weeks." Percy says. He hesitates before continuing in an even lower voice. "You can come if you want."

It sounds less like he is suggesting and more like he is asking if she will please come with him. Alicia seems to get this as well, because she says. "If you want me to, then sure. Why not."

Their food arrives and they stop to eat occasionally sharing a joke, more than half of which are a reference to something Greek.  Tony drums his fingers in boredom, but Clint is listening intently, a curious look on his face.

"Have you ever noticed that Percy knows an unusual amount about Greek mythology despite the fact his school doesn't teach it?" he whispers.

Tony cocks his head to the side. "You're right. He even uses some of the names as if they are curse words. Like Styx. Isn't that a river or something?"

Clint shrugs and his eyes wonder back to the two who are now getting up to leave. "We should follow to see what this camp is. He says he goes every summer, but there's no official records of it anywhere."

"Tell me about it. I don't even know its name." Tony looks pretty upset about not being able to find the information anywhere.

They slip out of the restaurant and jump into Clint's car. Clint pulls out and follows the cab Percy grabbed, leaving a bit of distance between them and their targets. When they end up on a long stretch of country road he drops back even farther. Tony uses binoculars to see when the cab stops and the two get out. They are in the middle of nowhere. They trudge up a hill and disappear over the top.

Clint pulls the car into the treeline on the opposite side of the road. They look up to where the couple had retreated. There stones a lone pine tree with a golden blanket in the bottem branches. But that is not what draws their attention.

There, wrapped around the base of the tree, is a dragon with it's bright golden eyes trained fiercly on them. 

They both freeze. This is not something they expected. Harmless brats running around and causing maham. Sure. A dragon that looks like it has a taste for certain Avengers. Just a bit of a surprise. 

Tony sees that they dragon has some kind of leash securing it in place and he motions for Clint to follow him. He gives the dragon lots of room as he makes his way to the top of the hill. It makes no move to attack them. And yet things get even weirder. When they reach the top they look down into the valley to see the camp layed out around a four story farm house. There is a sparring arena, archery targets, stables with-are those winged horses?-, a ton of unusual cabins arranges in a Greek letter Omega and a large lake. It is so much to take in that at first they don't move, but when they do they are stopped an invisible wall. Tony kicks it in frustration.

"Who are you?" There both turn to see a seventeen year old girl watching them for just past the wall. She has one hand on her hip and is chewing bubble gum. She has long black hair and beady eyes. Tony scrunches up his nose is disgust. She is wearing too much makeup and perfume.

"I'm Tony Stark and this is buddy. We're here to pick up my nephew," he says hotly.

She gives them a mischievous and practically purrs. "I'm Drew Tanaka and I can help you find him no problem."


Well there's your update. I am so so so sorry about Frank.Don't kill me! I just figure that it will be him or Leo who dies if it's any of the seven. If that was Leo he wouldn't get to go save Calypso or if he died rescuing her then she would lose the one person who came back for her.

Anyway I want to know what you think by commenting. Then please vote and if you're not already, follow me.

Until next time my lovely readers.

~Halie <3

*I know the pic has absolutely nothing to do with this chapter or my story, but it's adorable*

Family Habits ( Percy Jackson and the Avengers)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin