Hacking SHIELD

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Fury doesn't like being so violent, but knowing that the kid is half god and one of the strongest to ever exist (according to the Nico kid) makes him weary. He only wants to run basic test and he knows that shooting the kid is extreme. However Thor has taught him that godly beings don't exactly allow you room for mistakes.  

He allows Percy five hours rest instead of the original three he promised. That bullet had embedded itself in the kid's shoulder and he lost a lot of blood between the original wound and the removal of lead. He stands nearby as he watches the kid run on the treadmill and do other fitness tests. Despite the obvious fatigue and pain he feels Percy does better than the average Olympic athlete. He constantly asks for water which he is allowed a long intervals and in controled amounts. The water seems to give him energy and Fury doesn't want to give him the chance to fight back or escape.

After another hour (for a grand total of four) on the treadmill, Percy steps off and collapses into a heap against the wall. He is pale and drenched in sweat. His cheeks are painted a deep red color and his breath comes in ragged, uneven pants. 

"How much more can you do?" Fury asks.

Percy shakes his head without looking up. "Nothing.... I passed.. my limit... long.. ago."

Fury motions for everyone but Agent Hill to leave and kneels down in front of the black haired demigod. Percy tiredly lifts his head. his eyes are dull and there are deep circles under them. Fury sighs. "I don't like do this, but with your abilities we can't take the chance of loosing control of you."

A small spark of anger ignites behind Percy's deep green eyes. "I am not some weapon for you to control..... I'm a living person.... just the same as the Avengers are... the same as anybody else!"

"Sometimes living people are dangerous. That is why they are restrained." Fury says as if speaking to a child. He's just lucky that the council hasn't got word of this yet. They would take even more drastic measures than Fury is.

"What the hell makes you think I am dangerous?!" Percy cries out angrily, though he seems to overexert himself and slumps back against the wall. There is a flicker of recognition behind his eyes. He knows about the few times he lost control, how dangerous he had been, and it scared probably more than anything else ever can.

The director raises and eyebrow, but doesn't say anything. He motions a couple men back into the room and ask them to take Percy back to his room. 


With not even the slightest clue as to where Percy was taken, the group returns to the Tower where they will be able to do better research. Thor is still who knows where and just a few minutes ago Alicia turned up. She takes the news with relative calm and asks for a laptop, which she takes with her to the lounge room.

Tony stays in the lab, typing away furious, hacking again and again at SHIELD's files. It seems Fury hasn't logged a single thing about Percy which in a way is good, but at the same time is frustrating. It makes them so hard to find. Bruce does the same at the desk next to his while Steve hovers over their shoulders. Clint and Natasha have wondered off to do things their own way. 

After only a few minutes Alicia comes back, the laptop tucked under her arm. She sets it down and plops down in front of Bruce. 

"What do you know of the layout of the helicarrier?" she asks casually. They all look at her. The helicarrier isn't exactly common knowledge, but perhaps Percy has told hers something. Ignoring their looks she continues. "From what I understand from you, Directory Fury hasn't logged Percy into the SHIELD database which means he wants to keep his discovering on the down low. The helicarrier is what he currently uses as an operating base and it falls entirely under his command. Not only that but if you look at the draw out it you'll realize that quite a lot of it hasn't been mapped."

She lets that sink in and after a moment the three men swear in their own ways and stand. Tony is talking a mile a minute, berating himself for not thinking of that sooner. She watches them go before sighing and calling out without looking.

"Do you want to know which room he is likely in?"

They turn back to her slowly and she can't help but smile. She's without a doubt worried for her friend,  but she also realizes that these people are too. They've practically become family in the short time he has know them. She supposes it's okay to be her normal rebel self around them. It's okay if they see her as sarcastic instead of distantly polite like she often leads people to believe. It's okay if they know that she has this certain hobby of hacking into information networks like they're puzzels for her to figure out. After all Percy knows all this and he doesn't mind.

She holds up the laptop and cocks her head to the side, as if to say ' well do you?'


Percy lays in the bed given to him and stares up at the white ceiling, trying his best to ignore the pulsing pain in his shoulder and the exhaustion that threatens to drown him. It's probaly well past dinner time and the food they brought him, he couldn't keep down with his weak stomach. Never has he pushed himself so hard, but Fury was unrelenting. 

Apparently the blood test came back like a normal human's. The godly blood wasn't present at all execpt for mayb the slightly the diluted color. Fury stormed in flustered, but Percy just glared at him until he went away again.

He blinks slowly. Someone will find. Tony and Bruce are brilliant. Clint and Natasha are cunning and Thor will just break everything til he gets what he wants. Steve.... well Steve has the best puppy dog eyes Percy has ever seen and Mrs. O'Leary is pretty darn good at trying to get out of trouble when she takes a dump in the training arena. Then there's Alicia who is probably the most amazing hacker the world has ever seen and who looks at life as if it personally challenged her, saying 'bring it on.'

As the comatose sleep is just about to pull him under he is rocked sideways out of bed as they ship tilts. An explosion can be heard on one of the upper levels. He grins weakly as he tries to push himself up.

Cue rescue.

And he has truly never been happier for Thor to burst into his room without knocking. The inky darknsss finally wins out just as he hears the giant of man greet him.

"Friend Perseus, it is time we go."


So I actually did this update rather quickly. I hope it was up to par.

Anyway for the question (cause I can)

- There is a very important godess in The Son of Neptune that we never get to meet. She is mentioned several times and even helps in the battle at the end, however she never appears is 'person' in any of the pages. Who is she? 

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~Halie <3

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