"You Could Have Just Said Please"

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Everyone is just settling into their daily routines when JARVIS alerts Tony, apologizing that he has been overridden and Fury has entered the building with multiple other persons. 

"They are on their way to the workout room where Steve, Thor, and Percy are, sir."

Tony takes off immediately with Bruce at his heels. He doesn't know exactly why Fury is here and heading for his nephew, but he has a pretty good idea. Somehow, someway he knows about Percy's lineage. He likely bugged someone and Tony would put his whole fortune on Thor, the Asgardian hasn't the slightest clue about "Midgardian technologies".

He finds everyone just where JARVIS said they would be. Steve and Thor are standing in front of Percy as Fury stands behind a group of thirty (making the room rather crowded) who are all pointing extremely large guns at the trio. 

"You are considered a threat to the world's safety. If you do not come with us willingly than we will use force." Fury says with his steely glare focused soley on Percy, who returns it with a dangerous one of his own.

"I don't know what you mean." Percy says, his voice carefully controlled. His eyes flash threateningly.

Fury is about to respong when Tony cuts in. "What the hell do you think you are doing?!"

Every pair of eyes turn to him aside from Bruce who continues to stare at the director. Fury's eyes narrow. "You should know what I am doing Stark. I am detaining a threat. You would do well to stay out of my way."

"You will not lay a hand on my nephew Fury! He is no threat to you or anyone else." Stark growls.

Tony expects Fury to snap back. He doesn't really expect him to role his eye. Fury lifts a small device that looks like the buttons for you use to unlock your car. When he presses  it a high pitched sound resonates throughout the room causing everyone but Fury and the men he brought with him to drop to their knees. They cover their ears as the noise causes black spots to dance withing their visions until everything goes black.

After what feels like forever, but is likely on ten minutes the noise stops. Tony is able to stumble to his feet and blearily look around. The threatening people have gone leaving only Avengers remaining. 

With a panic Tony realizes Percy is gone too. Thor is the first to completely recover. He rushes out of the room through the window (and no he didn't bother to open it first, just went right on through) to try to stop their kidnapping crazed Director.

Tony swears when he gets his hands on that man Percy had better be okay. If he's not Tony will do a whole lot more than just kill Fury. He will personally drag him to that place called Tartarus that Percy told them about.


Annabeth arrives at Stark only to run straight into the billionaire himself. All of the Avengers minus Thor are storming out of the building, looking absolutely furious.

"Sorry kid," He grumbles. "Can't talk right now."

"Wait," she calls out to them. "What's going on?"

A red head, which Annabeth identifies as Natasha Romanoff, says. "That's none of your business. Right now we are very busy."

Annabeth shakes off the remark she has for Natasha's rudeness. "Fine. I'm just looking for Percy. I'm .....a friend. Can you just tell me where to find him?"

At this they all turn back to her. Bruce Banner is the one to speak. "Sorry, but Percy's not here right now. Come back tomorrow and you can see him."

Then they are gone, as if they were never there before. The only reason Annabeth is sure they were is because of the avalanche of dread that just settled in her stomach. They looked so worried and angry. The mention of Percy only seemed to increase those emotions tenfold. What has happened with him that has gotten this team of superheros so worked up?

"Oh gods Seaweed Brain," she whispers to herself. "What have you gotten yourself into now?"


Percy wakes up disoriented. He remembers to talking to Fury and then that gods aweful noise that almost killed his ears. Then he thinks someone drugged him like the do in the movies. After that, nothing.

He sits up which is a bad idea, because the room starts to spin uncontrollably and he almost falls of the thing white bed. In fact that's all he can see. The room is completely white. The walls, the floor, the ceiling. All of it and it's kinda isolating. The only color is a small back circle in the one corner, which he doesn't have to guess is a camera. 

Suddenly a door on the other side of the room opens and in marches two men with guns followed by Fury and a woman Percy remembers to be Agent Maria Hill.  The door closes behind them. And....

Nobody speaks. They just stare at one another without so much as breathing. Percy suppresses the urge to reach for Riptide. His legs starts to bounce slightly and his gaze shifts from one person to the next.

Finally he can't hold it in anymore. "You know most people don't kidnap their employees family. You could have just said please."

Tony is going to kill him for calling the billionaire an employee. He likes to referred to as the boss or almighty Ironman. Not that it makes much difference. Fury still calls the shots no matter how much the Avengers dislike it.

Fury raises his eyebrow. "Would you have come?"

"Maybe. If would've depended on if you have good food or not." Percy says with a shrug. 

Agent Hill looks like she desperately wants to say something, but refrains. Fury's eye narrows. "I highly doubt that."

"That just makes you a very pessimistic person."  Percy really thinks that last comment is going to get him a couple rounds of lead in his stomach, but it only earns him an exasperated sigh.

"We're going to run some blood test first. When those come back we'll have you do some physical exercises to test your endurance and reflexes." Fury says changing the subject. Hill comes forward with a syringe.

Percy backs away. "I'm going to have to decline on that one."

"You don't have a choice," Fury says calmly and motions to the man next to him. The guy, who can't be more than twenty, raises his gun and fires. Now Percy can dodge a lot of things, but even he can't completely dodge a bullet at that close of range. It clips him on the arm and another one quickly follows, imbedding itself in his left shoulder. 

His visions dances red as he slumps against the wall, trying to stop the blood flow with the his right hand. He can vaguely feel a prick on his forearm as his eyes flick up to meet Fury. The older man flinches. 

"Send some to patch him up and we'll run the exercises in three hours." He says curtly and sweeps out of the room with the other three trailing behind. 

As the blood runs down his arm and onto the floor, Percy finally falls forward and looses consciousness.


For all of those who are about to kill me: if you do that I won't be able to write the next chapter and you will never find out what happens.

Anyway on a happier note, I did update and I hope you enjoyed. Please vote, follow and definitely comment. I like your opinions.

Are-you-a-real-fan-or-not Questions (cause I can):

-At the conclusion of House of Hades, who are the praetors of Camp Jupitar and how/why?

-And (to go way back in the PJ world) who was the hunter that Percy replaced on the quest in The Titan's Curse and why didn't she go?

Until next time my lovelies

~Halie <3

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