Can You Say Awkward Much?!

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With some nectar and ambrosia and quite a bit of water, Percy is up and moving around the very next day much to Bruce's displeasure.

"Just because he can doesn't mean he should," he scolds Tony, as if it does any good. Tony is just as worried, but Percy refuses to listen.

He doesn't go so far as to train and do anything strenuous. His shoulder is far from healed after all, but he cannot refrain from wondering around and teasing everyone about how much they care about him. Natasha is finding it harder and harder to hold herself back. Alicia hasn't left either. She follows Percy around half the time and the other half she spends trying to teach Thor how to play video games, which everyone else finds interesting after Percy points out that she's never played herself. 

In a way everything has settled down and become somewhat normal or what appears to be the new normal. None of the Avengers (excluding Thor because he wasn't there) remembers that they told a certain blond daughter of Athena to come back today. It makes for an awkward silence when she's finally standing in front of Percy in the living room. 

He stands there, shifting from foot to foot, unsure what to do. It's Annabeth that speaks first. "Hey Percy," she whispers. "It's been awhile hasn't it?"

He nods numbly. "Yeah it has. I didn't - I didn't know you were coming."

Tony who is watching, narrows his eyes. He wonders why things are so awkward. If he remembers right, Annabeth went on many quests with Percy. He never mentioned much about her. Tony can only guess that they had some kind of falling out.

Annabeth fidgets. "Listen Percy, I-we need to talk. It's important."

Percy nods again, because he can't manage much else with his emotions caught up in the storm they're in. He shoos Tony out, much to his uncle's displeasure and leads Annabeth to the couch. When they sit down there is a whole cushion's length between them. She takes a deep breath and starts.

"I don't want this conversation to go the wrong way. I'm - well I'm not trying to get back together." She pauses but when he doesn't say anything she continues. "I wanted to apologize Percy, for abandoning you when you needed me, when you needed everyone. I think you still do. Piper suggested I patch up our friendship and that's what I want to do." 

Percy sighs and leans back against the couch, his shoulders sagging slightly. "I agree.....Right now so much is going and I'm so confused. I guess I really do need a Wise Girl by my side again. " He grins. "I guess the thought of going out with you again doesn't seem quite right either. I never was that great at it anyway."

She laughs slightly. "As I recall the first time I kissed you, you turned around and blew up a volcano."

He chuckles. "That was not the reason I blew up the volcano."

"Still happened."

Just then the door opens and Alicia enters carrying an orange Fanta in her hand. She smiles and plops down between them on the couch. "What's up dorks?"

Percy groans and rolls his eyes. "Come Al, you could at least say hello first. I don't want my friends thinking I hand out with weirdos"

"They already think that," Alicia and Annabeth say at the same time. They give each other a surprised look, which makes Percy laugh. He doesn't remember Alicia ever really showing surprise before. She has this thing with making people think that's she's seen it all. Not that she has.

"Alicia. Nice to meet you." Alicia relents, sticking out her hand to shake.

Annabeth takes it with a raised eyebrow. Sure she's not dating Percy anymore, but the suspicious, nosy side will never fully leave her. "Annabeth Chase."

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