EXTRA: chat with Tyson

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Tyson: So you're the one who told Levi I knew how to make ice cream. You know, we were in a food crisis for the last several years I was on Earth. I don't know everything about Earth food. 

Um, surely you'd know what was in it? Give him something to start with? 

Tyson: That's not fair. I was a social worker not a chef. And it's not like we have chocolate or coffee or any good flavors here. 

Ha! So you do know about ice cream?

Tyson: ...I'm sure you didn't call me in here to discuss ice cream. Do you have any real questions?

What do you miss most about Earth? 

Tyson: Levi said you didn't pull your punches. And in fact, that might be the thing I miss the most. Our idioms and phrases have morphed in a hundred years and I feel like the odd man out. Moonshy doesn't make any sense to me. All the random French and Spanish and other things are totally foreign. I'm glad to eat food again without having to stand in a line or prove I'm the Vice President's son. And the sky is amazing, so no complaints there. I've been harassing Levi about his music selection so, honestly, now that the shock is wearing off, I mostly feel at home here.

Really? It seems like too much to take in. 

Tyson: Don't misunderstand me, it's certainly not the same. But I'm not so overwhelmed by the alienness of it. In fact, I've set up a meeting with Vertov because I want to create a better program for those emerging from cryo. It wasn't fair to Alcott to have her time totally consumed by my ignorance. I think we can make some...what are they? Video logs? Yeah. We can make some short movies to catch people up, at least about the departments, the planets. People from Earth are in for a culture shock. I know I was.

That's...a lot. You've only been awake, what? Two weeks?

Tyson: Ish. But moping about Earth isn't going to get me back there faster. And I'm going to have to move quickly; by the end of the year, I'm hoping to petition for an apprentice. I'll burn out if I'm the only person caring for the emotional health of the base.

You know it's not all on you, though, right? People have friends, families. 

Tyson: No offense, but I'm not sure that either the Canary or the Aeneid members know what family really means. This whole partnering situation, and then parents are barely a part of their children's lives? It's weird. 

So nothing like your situation at all, you mean? 

Tyson: I ignored my family because my life didn't revolve around the political sphere and I didn't want it to. And we talk now. Some. On occasion. Anyway, they're still embroiled in politics and I don't want to be. 

So given your history on Earth, what do you think about Dashiell being removed from captain?

Tyson: About time. He wasn't going to suddenly learn how to care for others. He's a little more attuned to the needs here than he was at home, but I think that is only the case because there are fewer people and fewer needs, not because he's become a better person.

You don't seem to like him very much.

Tyson: Um, no. Let me put it this way. Back on Earth, the rural areas had become so destitute, no one could maintain any sort of farm. Sure, they had vegetable gardens, but did you know that farm equipment can cost millions of dollars? You have to have a serious cash crop to be able to purchase that kind of gear. So instead of making sure the farmers had what they needed to, you know, save the country from starvation, Dashiell used the farm subsidies to instead put everyone on food stamps. Because that's a long term solution? No, because the cities were voting for him and so he wanted to keep them happy. 

....wow. So... we voted that guy back into office? 

Tyson: My point exactly.

So you and Alcott are what now? I imagine your relationship is complicated.

Tyson: Complicated is one word for it. I think we've both tabled the problem for now. I mean, arranged marriage wasn't really in my future had I stayed on Earth and I wasn't exactly ready to settle down and be with someone forever. And Alcott... shoot, I can't imagine being in her shoes. Hopefully Madison will find some sort of resolution with congress and then...

And then?

Tyson:  It doesn't actually change my problem, it just makes it not Alcott's problem. So instead of worrying about it, I'm going to focus on the parts of my life I have control of.  I still have a purpose. I know who I am, and for now, that's what matters the most.

Sure. I get that. 

Tyson: Speaking of, who are you again? You didn't introduce yourself.

Oh, well. That's rather complicated....

Tyson: I've got time. Seems silly for you to interview others and not yourself.

Would you look at the time! I got to go. 

Tyson: Hey! Come back here!

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