Chapter 10: The Storm

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The party continued on around me as I stood there frozen, unable to move. My feet felt like lead and my gaze like ice. I stared at the door that he retreated out of, waiting for him to walk back in, smiling his charming grin and throwing me a laid-back wink like he always did.

But that didn't happen.

Ten minutes passed.

Then twenty.

Then nearly an hour.

Brett still hadn't returned. I still didn't move.

I wanted to go after him to make sure he's alright, but something kept me planted in place. I knew that whatever was happening with his mother on the phone was personal; that he would want to deal with it alone and I would respect that. He hasn't ever mentioned his family to me, but he will when he's ready. I'm not going to force him to talk about it, just like I hate when people want me to talk about mine.

I remained static while the party around me went on in full swing. Jenny walked by me several times, completely ignoring my presence. Jeff trailed behind her adoringly, like a lost puppy.

"You look beautiful tonight, Jen!" He called out as he rushed to keep up with her brisk pace. She was clearly uninterested.

She stopped suddenly, spinning on her heel and staring at him menacingly. "I own a mirror, Jeff," she sneered, spitting out his name like it was poison on her tongue. "Go find someone else to bother," the coldness in her eyes matched that of her tone. It was startling compared to the sheer adoration in his. I stood there frozen as the scene unfolded in front of me.

It was like a car crash. I wanted to look away but couldn't. My eyes remained fixated on the two of them, knowing that the outcome wouldn't be good for him. Poor Jeff.

His face fell at her comment as she made her feelings extremely evident. Flicking her hair over her shoulder, she strutted away, leaving him there utterly hopeless.

He stood frozen for a moment, staring at the doorway she exited through. He looked...pathetic.

The realization hit me suddenly that I probably looked the exact same way, instead staring at the door Brett exited through. I rolled my eyes, ashamed of myself and my utter lack of social skills.

Jeff was still planted in the same spot. He turned towards me and shrugged. "She'll come around eventually," he laughed dryly before walking away in the opposite direction that Jenny did.

I highly doubt that, I thought. I admired his optimism, though. I'll give him that.

I began to feel uncomfortable. Leaning against the wall, people were starting to take notice of me as they lingered in the hallway, watching me and whispering as they walked by. Not wanting to walk through the party on my own, I decided to explore a little.

I was standing in the entry way to Jenny's house. To my right was the wall I was leaning on, to my left was a grand staircase. I looked behind me and spotted a door leading outside and walked to it, not looking back.

The warm breeze greeted me, engulfing me entirely and clearing my mind. The silence was welcoming and I could feel my heart begin to relax. I gazed around to get my bearings and realized I was at the side of the house, I could hear the water lapping in the pool to my right. Not wanting to be visible to the people standing in the kitchen, I followed a stone path that lead me in the opposite direction.

Jenny's backyard was magnificent. The grass stretched as far as I could see, ending in a line of dense trees that faded into the darkness. Nestled into the depths of her yard was a gazebo, framed by little lights on the wooden framework and surrounded by dozens of rose bushes.

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