Chapter 45: Grayson

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I straddled the bench in the locker room, lifting off my t-shirt and using it to wipe the sweat off my face. I was exhausted. I wanted to go home, take a shower, lay in bed and pass the fuck out for the next week.

James walked in a minute later, looking just as exhausted as I felt. For the past two hours, we had been working out. The gym seemed to be the one place that allowed me to let out my aggression. Safe to say I'd been spending a lot of time here lately with all the shit going on.

"That chick on the treadmill was watching you the entire time. I'm surprised she didn't fall off," James slammed his locker shut while chuckling to himself, turning to face me and waiting for my response.

"What chick on the treadmill?" There was a chick on the treadmill? I didn't even notice. I was completely zoned out. The entire point of coming to the gym was to get my mind off of everything - off of one specific girl, to be precise.

Not to mention that I only have eyes for one girl these days.

James stared at me blandly, looking like he wanted to slap me. "You didn't notice her?"


He laughed, shaking his head back and forth. "You've got it bad, man. Real bad."

"You have no fucking idea," I grumbled, taking a clean t-shirt out of my bag and pulling it over my head.

"So what's the deal with you two?" James sat on the bench in front of me, watching me with his green eyes that stood out too brightly against his dark skin.

James was a good dude, he was one of the few guys on the football team I actually liked. But right now, the last thing I wanted to do was talk about Becca. Her face already occupied my mind everyday, speaking about her made my heart rip open.

I shook my head, dismissing his question and pulling on a pair of sweatpants over my shorts. I was halfway through throwing all my shit in my bag when he spoke again.

"Wells, what the fuck are you doing?" Now this caught my attention, I reluctantly looked up and raised one eyebrow at him. "You've spent everyday this week at the gym with me. I know I'm a good looking dude," he smirked, "but wouldn't you rather be spending this time with your girl?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I shot him a dangerous look that said don't push me on this.

"Well that's too damn bad, isn't it? Did you two break up?"

"No." I answered immediately.

"She cheat on you?"

I glared at him. I was going to punch him.

"I'll take that as a no!" He yelled, throwing his hands up and laughing. When his laughter subsided, he slapped me on the back and said, "You're a good guy, Wells. You've got a big heart. But I didn't think you were the type to give up on someone you love."

"I didn't give up on her." Did I?

"You sure she knows that?" James shut his locker, locking it before he turned to me with his gym bag slung over one shoulder. "Girls like to feel wanted, dude. They want a guy who'll fight for them, not one who goes running at the first sign of trouble."

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