Silent Readers

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Silent Readers at their best!

I don't want to complain, I have some readers that comment and come back to my book, and there are also those who just read my work and don't say anything. I do enjoy the idea of people reading and enjoying my books, but is it that hard to press the vote button, or write a comment? Interact with me people!

I usually spend hours creating and when I see my work is not having the impact I thought it would have I get disappointed. (I also start wondering if the readers can feel certain scenes in the novel as I intended them, but that just might be me XD )

We're all humans and we all have weaknesses so I think I speak for all writers when I say that we all enjoy tremendously when you comment, vote or even put a smiley face to let us know you enjoyed the read.

It's really not that hard, there is a small star you have to put your finger over, or just comment on the characters actions/words/feelings, anything really. Tell me how your day was and how my writing made it better (hopefully not worse). This website is interactive, the comments section is there so you, the reader, can interact wth the author and other readers.

Why does he do that? When did that happen? If you have questions, just ask the writer or other readers, don't just chalk it down to plot holes and move on. You're missing part of the experience.

Every time you comment a little angel gets its wings so just do it!

Without even knowing it, you might be helping the writer out, either by pointing out something he/she missed or simply by giving a bit of hope and love around.

Most of the authors here are friendly people who will be grateful for you taking the whole 3 seconds to touch the star (wow, that sounds so poetic XD).

New Challenge for you right here! In the next book you read and like, comment at least five times, see how that feels for you!

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