CHAPTER 24 goodbye

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*Claire's p.o.v*

jessica wont move she wont eat she wont drink sometimes it looks like she's not even breathing. scott just sits there staring at the wall doing the same skylar keeps trying to get him to talk or eat but its like he's not there. stacey keeps falling asleep from crying but wakes up screaming she wont eat or talk either. conner...we dont know where conner is after everything happened he ran carly went after him but cant find him. and everyone else bearly moves they talk and eat but very rarely.

scott and stacey brought sasha back to the house and wrapped her up and i think they are going to give her a proper funeral but im not sure. im not sure about anything anymore. its like because she's gone nothing matters anymore whether we live or die its like we are empty...

*Sasha's p.o.v* (you'll understand soon)

iv just been sitting here confused the last thing i remember was being pinned down by my father and jess being there shouting something that i couldnt hear then...i ripped his heart out and thats it. after that its like im hitting a brick wall.

"then he killed you"a voice says behind me causing me to jump up but i see no one

"whos there!"i shout but nothing happens...i wonder why jess left me alone in the woods i tryed finding my way home but i cant its like it doesnt excist anymore.

"your home excists but you dont"that voice says but this time someone appears

"who the fuck are you"i growl at him

"im sorry i believe you know my daughter...jessica im benjamin flockhart"the man stares at me

"your jessica's father? i thought you were dead i thought you drove off a bridge of something?"i ask confused

"yes iam and no i didnt do it on purpose it was a car accident"he snips at me

"no yeah thats what i ment...if your dead how can i see you?"

"because your dead to" is he serious

"no im not i killed him before he could kill me i remember trying to walk home but im kind of lost then you appeared"

"think! if you got up before he killed you then where did jessica go she wouldnt leave you. what about your brother and sister? think sasha!"he raises his voice at me

think concentrate...he was ready to kill me but i put my hand through his chest...but not fast enough.

"your dead...but you dont have to be"he tells me softly

"what do you mean? i can go back be with jess my brother and sister my pack?"

"no...i have a small amount of power i cant send you the day you met jess and the pack give you a chance to do it all over your dad will still be dead nicole an katielyn will be the only ones still alive...but you have to do things differently"

"how? anything il do anything as long as i get to go back"

"you have to stay away from jessica the pack everything you are not allowed to mate with jessica you must let her get on with her life the only reason she stayed in that town was incase you came back"

"you want me to go back...without jessica?"my voice cracked

"yes she is my daughter i want whats best for her...and your not it"

"are you serious?! your daughter is the reason i was fighting your daughter is the reason im dead! i died for her and your saying im not good enough!!"i shout at him

why did it happen to me i dont want a mate or a pack.Where stories live. Discover now