- Sleep and Eat -

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I was on my way to Hogwarts. The place I used to call my second home. It still is, of course. But now, every corridor you turn down reminds you of yet another death. Instead of the school being filled with excitement and a comfy feeling, a layer of grief covers the historic school.

I sighed as I stepped out of the fireplace in the large platform which contained the Hogwarts express. I smiled at the familiar sight of children surrounded by adults, giving their daughter one last kiss, and their son one last hug. There was a buzz of excitement, mostly coming from the first years. But, who wouldn't be excited about attending Hogwarts?

I didn't see Harry or Ron yet. Which didn't surprised me. They're usually late anyways. I remember in second year, they hadn't even made it onto the train. Granted, it was all because of Dobby. But they were late regardless.

Dobby, the sweetest house elf you'd ever met- Stop it, Hermione, you'll just upset yourself.

I stepped onto the train pushing a little bounce in my step. For I had my favorite book, Hogwarts; A History. And I planned on finishing it by the time we reached Hogwarts, I liked the reminder of the good things left at Hogwarts.

I walked down the halls of the train, searching for a familiar face. I spotted Neville and Luna sitting next to each other and smiled. I knocked a few times on the compartment door and Luna looked up at me, "Hello, Hermione. Nice to see you again." 

"Nice to see you, too, Luna!" I turned to Neville, who was grinning. He stood up and I hugged him. 

"Hermione! It's so wonderful to see you again!" Neville beamed.

"It's wonderful to see you too, Neville. How was your summer?" 

Neville scoffed, "Much better knowing that there's absolutely no chance that Voldemort's going to ruin another year." 

I smiled sadly and nodded, "I agree, it was quite refreshing not to worry about the Wizarding world while in the muggle world."

The train whistle sounded.

"Would you like to join us, Hermione? Dean and Seamus are joining us, but I'm sure we could squeeze you in." 

I smiled and shook my head, "Thank you, but I think Harry and Ron would come looking for me. Besides, it sounds like your compartment's already filled up."

 Neville nodded, "We'll see you at Hogwarts, then." 

I nodded and headed out of the compartment.

As I passed the Slytherin compartments, I heard someone call out my name. I turned to see two ginger haired students, along with a black haired one. They turned and disappeared into a compartment. I took a step backward, right into another person. 

"Oof!" They grunted. 

I winced and whipped around, "I'm so sorry, I didn't see-" I paused mid-sentence and glared at the other person.


 He sneered, "Mudblood. Watch were you're going next time, Granger. Look," He gestured to his shirt which contained a single wrinkle, "You've wrinkled my shirt and you got your dirt all over it."

 I rolled my eyes at him,"Please, Malfoy, come up with another insult. Mudblood's getting a bit old," I leaned closer to him so my lips were centimeters away from his ear, "Especially when they're carved in my skin," I smirked as I pulled back.  Malfoy's face was priceless. As if he was shocked I used that word, or even mentioned my scar. 

"Excuse me," I smiled smugly at him and shoved past him.

 I was a big girl, I got over my scar on my arm quickly. I still hid it, I couldn't help but be ashamed when anyone stared at it. 

I stuck my head in several compartments before I finally found the right compartment.

I grinned at the sight before me. It almost felt as if we were back in 6th year again. 

Ginny and Harry were sitting side by side, holding hands and giggling at each other. Ron, naturally, was glaring at the sight and grumbling something about how his sister and his best friend shouldn't be dating.

Ginny saw me first and she screamed, running over to me, tackling me. I laughed and embraced her. 

"'Mione, I've missed you so much." 

I laughed, "It's been a long three months." 

Harry got impatient and somewhat shoved Ginny out of the way. 

She scoffed at him, "You're lucky I love you."

Tears sprung to my eyes as I engulfed Harry in a hug. 

"Harry," I sighed.

 He nodded, "I know."

 That was our friendship, we were close enough to not need words to communicate. I hadn't seen Harry in months, which I've done since the summer after first year, but the conditions were a bit different.

He pulled away and motioned behind him. I smiled as he moved. There stood Ron. Looking rugged, exhausted, and cheerful. I laughed and launched myself at him. He chuckled and lifted me up, kissing me.

 Oh Godric, how I missed that.

 "I've missed you," I said, pulling away.

 He laughed, "You don't know how long I've waited to do that again."

 I chuckled and nodded, "Yes I do." 

He raised an eyebrow, "Oh you do?"

 I nodded, "Because I've felt the same way." 

I kissed him again.

I heard Harry clear his throat and I laughed, pulling away. He looked uncomfortable, which I thought was quite ironic, since he and Ginny were practically exchanging saliva.

"Welcome to the club," I said.

We sat down and asked each other about their summers.

"I've been talking to Kingsley about becoming an auror. Several people have been asking me about what i'm doing next after Hogwarts," Harry replied. 

We all rolled our eyes. 

"What?" He asked.

 I laughed, "Harry, while you might be shocked about the fact that everyone wants to know everything about you... we aren't. We saw it coming 10 years ago." Harry looked like he wanted to argue, but he really couldn't.

"My summer was boring thanks to a certain witch," Ginny said, glaring at me.

 I rolled my eyes, "Hey! I invited you to come to Florida with me, but no! You wanted to stay in London!" 

She frowned at me, "'Mione. You went to Florida... for a tour." She paused, "Of historic buildings!"

I shrugged, "It was fun." 

She rolled her eyes.

"I did the same things I usually do in the summer," Ron said.

 "Sleep?" I asked.

 "Eat?" Ginny asked.

 "Sleep and eat?" Harry asked. 

Ron frowned, "I do more than just sleep and eat, you know." 

I nod, "Alright, then what did you do the majority of the summer?" I asked.

 He glared at me and mumbled under his breath, "Sleep and eat." 

Ginny laughed, "I thought so."

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