- Anytime -

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I crept down the stairs, hoping no one was awake. 

I was wrong. 

Like always. 

My mother sat, almost smirking, in the living room with a heavy breakfast. "Good morning, Draco." 

I gulped. I'm not sure I'm quite ready to face her yet. "Come, sit down." 

I knew better than to disobey her. 

I sat down beside her. She sipped her coffee and turned to look at me, "I can't say I was surprised at your father's reaction." 

I didn't respond. I couldn't. I mean, how do you respond to that? 

My mother sighed, "Where's Hermione?" 

"Went into Diagon alley to buy presents." 

My mother nodded. "Right."

I groaned into my hands, "Let it out, go on, yell at me about the importance of the bloody family line." 

My mother sighed, "Far before your generation, Draco-" 

I scoffed. 

"Draco, what exactly do you want me to say?" 

I spread my arms, "Tell me that if I'm truely in love then you don't care who the bloody hell I marry. In fact, you shouldn't even care about her last name." 

My mother sighed, "But Draco, your father has a point. The blood line will be completely ruined."

I clenched my fists to keep them at my side, "Someone is going to ruin it eventually! Why can't it be me? I mean, this whole 'generation upon generation' stuff is not going to continue forever! Someone is going to break it, and from the looks of it, it's going to be me." 

My mother pursed her lips, "It seems like you have no choice. You have to marry her, or else out whole family will be stripped of our magic." 

I growled, "There you go again, I'm not marrying her because I'm forced to. I've grown to care about her... to love her."

My mother eyed me skeptically, "It sure doesn't seem like it, all i've heard you two do is fight with one another." 

I laughed cruelly, "And who does that sound like." 

My mother turned her lip. "Besides, can you blame her! She's been tortured here before!" 

"I do realize that, Draco. But I don't see how you two could possibly love each other." 

I scowled at my mother, which five months ago, I would never had done. 

"Well it's a damn good thing we don't have to prove it to you." 

My mother was so shocked she didn't respond. The door opened and Hermione walked in, "Hey Draco." She grinned. 

Then she saw my face and smiled slightly at my mother before saying, "I'll just be upstairs."

She quickly made it up the stairs and I followed her, not looking back at my mother once. 

"What did she say?" Hermione asked after a long period of silence. 

I shook my head, "Oh, more of the same. You can't ruin the family blood line. More of that." 

Hermione suddenly was very quiet. I sighed and wrapped my arms around her from the back. She leaned her head on my shoulder and smiled up at me. 

"Hey, what's wrong." She smiled, "All that you're going through, it's all so that I could have you as mine."

I nodded. 

She shook her head, "Why?"

I smirked, "Well, I didn't exactly want to fall in love or need somebody. I really didn't want anything. I wanted a year at Hogwarts. But when you called my name, my heart skipped. Our of fear and excitement. When I really got to know you, when you really started to appear, I started to want everything." 

She blushed, "Ferret, you're such a romantic man." 

I winked at her and kissed her forehead, "Anytime."


The Marriage Law -- Dramioneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें