- Bloody Perfect -

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I closed the door and heard her sob. "Why the bloody hell did I come here?" She gasped.

My heart shattered. I sluggishly walked down the steps and heard commotion in the kitchen. Mother must be cooking dinner.

Father was in his study. He had an early release because somehow someone had found proof that Father was influenced by Dark Magic. Whether or not that's true, I haven't a clue. But never the less, I'm glad they spoke up.

I knocked on Father's door and he looked up, "Draco. You're back, good."

I smiled slightly and sat in the seat across from Father's desk.

"Is Pansy here?"

I shook my head, "No. Why would Pansy be here, Father?"

He frowned, "I heard about the marriage law. I just assumed she would come visit her parents in law."

I gulped, "Well, Father. Pansy, actually isn't my soul mate."

Father immediately looked at me, "Who on earth is it then?"

I was silent. "Is she a Slytherin? Pureblood-"

My anger snapped, "For the love of Merlin, Father. BLOOD DOESN'T MATTER!"

Father looked utterly shocked. "It's not a pureblood."

I looked at my feet.


I shook my head. "Half-blood?"

I winced and shook my head.

He pounded on the desk, "They've paired you with a mudblood?"

I nodded, "Yes, and the best muggle born I've ever met, for your information, father!"

"Is the girl a Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or a Ravenclaw?" He asked.

I groaned and shook my head.

My father stood, "Do you mean to tell me, that the ministry has paired my son, the last pureblood Malfoy who shall carry on the Malfoy name for the next generations, with a Gryffindor mudblood."

I glared at him, "She's not a mudblood."

He yelled, "So it's true then!?"

I nodded. I saw my father's anger almost snap.

He took a deep breath and said, "Now I'm going to ask you this question once... and once only. Who. Exactly. Is. Your. Soul. Mate?"

I sighed as I breathed out, "Hermione Jean Granger."

I winced as I waited for the storm to pass. As if someone took a scissors and cut the tiny string that was holding my father's anger together, he gave a bellow of rage.

There's no way Hermione couldn't hear this from her room and I winced as I knew exactly what she was thinking.


I shook my head, "No, father. Besides you have no more power!"

My father glared at me, "Do not remind me of the power of which I do not possess!"

"I love her, father. And I don't care if she's a pureblood or a bloody muggle."

My father steamed, and In a darkly calm voice said, "Then you are no son of mine."

I couldn't believe it. Actually, I could. I could've seen this coming a mile away. "Fine. But we're staying here for two weeks, so you'd better get over yourself." I said, walking out and taking a deep breath.

A year ago, I wouldn't even had thought about saying that to my father, maybe I would have hesitated a couple of weeks ago. But now, I'd say it a million times over again.

Dinner was the most awkward situation I've ever been in. And that's saying something, mostly because I've walked in on Blaise and a girl several times.

My father was glaring at me, my mother was glaring at my father, I was glaring at my mother, and Hermione... well, Hermione was glaring at her food.

"Pass the chicken, dear."

Mother said to Father. "Sure thing, sweetheart." he slid the dish across the table to my mother, who was too busy glaring to see a chicken leg roll off the table. Hermione caught it and placed it on the table uncomfortably.

After we all ate I finally stood up, surprising everyone.

"Well, this was a lovely dinner. But I think we'll just head up to our room for the night. I grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her up the stairs. I sighed in relief as we finally were out of their line of sight.

Hermione looked devastated and there were bags under her eyes. Her eyelids looked heavy as she dragged her feet. I turned and picked her up bridal style. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, snuggling up to my chest.

I placed her on the bed and she let go of my neck. I placed my hands on the opposite sides of her head and smiled down at her.

"I'm still mad at you."

I nod, "I know. That's why I'm doing this..."

I bit her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She rolled her eyes, but let me. I deepened the kiss as I ran a hand from her thigh to her hip, traveling up to cup her chin. She placed her hands on my chest.

I broke away, "I'm sorry."

She sighed, "I'm sorry too." she grinned, "I love you."

I smirked, "I love you too."

I gave her a wicked grin, "So, does this mean I'm allowed to continue?"

She rolled her eyes but gave me a mischievous grin.

I grinned, "Bloody Perfect."


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