- Malfoys Always Keep Their Promises -

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Hermione's leg tapped against mine faster than my heartbeat, which, at the moment, was saying a lot. She was biting her lip, her hands playing with a stray string from her sweater. I placed a hand on her thigh. She looked up at me and blushed, stopping her fidgeting. 

"Granger, It'll be perfectly fine!" I sighed. 

She shook her head, "I don't know..." And her foot immediately began it's wild dance. 

I grabbed her legs and pulled them so that she was sitting sideways on the bench, I pulled her onto my lap and she smiled slightly, wrapping her arms around my neck. 

I put my forehead on hers and whispered, "I'll never let anything happen to you, I promise. And just so you know, Malfoys always keep their promises." She sighed and I took her bottom lip between my teeth, lightly nibbling on it. 

She sighed and closed her eyes and we kissed. My arms traveled up from her knees, to her thighs... slipping my hands under her shirt to rest on her bare hips. As she lowered her shoulders, her shirt sunk to it's previous position, covering my hands. 

We pulled away, desperate for air. I grabbed her chin, focusing her line of vision on me. 

She whispered, "Promise?" 

I smirked slightly, "Promise." 

She smiled and nodded.

Kings cross station was bustling, as normal. Parents holding up their little eleven year olds, demanding they tell them every single detail about what's happened over the past four months. I smiled, remembering my parents were the exact same way. 

Draco took my hand and pulled me along, without warning me, apparated on the spot. 

I hit him as soon as we landed.

 "Hey!" he said. 

"You know I hate it when you do that."

 He smirked, "Why do you think I do it?" 

I flicked his ear. 

"Come on, Granger." He said, making his way through the gate to the mansion. I gasped-

Greyback held me tightly around the waist, his mouth deadly close to my neck every time I struggled. "Wouldn't want to ruin you're pretty neck now, would I?" He pulled me harder, I let out a whimper. Greyback chuckled in my ear. 

On the other side of the gate, Bellatrix Lestrange whispered in her wheezy, reaching insanity voice, "Get Draco..."

"I've got you," A voice said in my ear, comfortingly. I gasped and turned around, I sighed in relief. It was only Draco. His eyes, however, filled with concern. 

I took a deep breath, nodding. Before he could say anything, I turned and said, "Let's go." 

Draco caught up, still eyeing me with concerned eyes. 

My breath caught and I tried to breathe. 

"'Mione, are you sure you're okay? We don't have to-" 

I nodded, trying my best to smile. "I'm fine." 

Draco didn't like it, but he opened the door and let me in. 

A whimper caught in my throat. 

Narcissa had tried her hardest to make the house unrecognizable... it didn't work. The rooms may have looked different, but It was still the same house. Filled with awful memories. A tear slid down my cheek, I turned to Draco, "I don't know why I thought I could do this-" 

The Marriage Law -- DramioneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang