Chapter 3

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It have been like what? Almost a week?  Or a month that Ciel has stay with the raven haired man.

He was... Kinda happy to know the man didn't try to do anything to him, well not yet he though. And of course, Sebastian has sent a driver to bring him to school and back 'home' everyday.

He really feel like he is ready to open up to the man, to trust him, to believe in him that he will always try to make him happy.

A  rare  smile finally make it way to his lips as he stare outside the window of the back seat,looking at every type of shop and people that walking down the sidewalk. He sighed before leaned his head on the window,closing his eyes as the smile didn't fade away.

He hoped,he wished,that this sweet dream won't stop.

But faith was agaisnt him that day,as the wonderful dream take a turn into another nightmare that he fear the most.


Ciel was wake up roughly by the driver,he groaned and glare at the man who frowned and his eyes that held pity showed to him,confuse and worried,the man spoke.

"The master want to meet you his study.."

"What? Why?"

"Im sorry but i couldnt tell you.."

The man lowered his head and let the teenage boy get out from the car,his bag hanging over his shoulder as he make his way inside the manor.

Mind going wild for what might happen,anxiety coming back up to his head,the surrounding began to spin around to him

He felt as if his stomach being twisted around and punched multiple times. His light footsteps echoed in the halls as he reached the door that connected to the older man study room,stopping in front of it,he raised his small hand up,curling it into a fist and began to knock.

"Come in..." The ravenatte from inside the room answer.

And so he did,open the door and step inside. The door closed by themself behind him.

"Is there anything you need sebastian?"

His voice was quite,flinching when the man glare at him for calling him by his first name.

He wondered why,beside,sebastian is the one that told him to call him by his first name now why is he mad? Did he do something wrong to unpleased him?

"Call me Sir,Mr Michaelis or Master from now on..."


"And do not speak until i give you the permission to!" Sebastian growled and make the smaller male eyes widened,body shaking slightly from fear.

This can't be happening,not again! Please why can't I escape from this nightmare and live in peace?!

He screamed inside his head as his blue eye was stuck on the raven haired man,dull and filled with horror and pleading to be free.

Sebastian then stood up from his seat and walk to the petite and breakable child infront of him,eyeing him,examing him.

"From this day,you will be home-schooled here..and became my personal maid.."

"Are you crazy?!" Those words leave his mouth without a second though.

Earning a sharp pain on his left cheek as he being thrown to the floor,he look up and feel that tears start to forming up when sebastian has slapped him hard. "Watch your mouth you little pest! And remember,come to my room every are dismiss" The ravenatte said emotionlessly and sit back to his chair.


"Because I told you so now get out!"

"I won't until you tell me why are you doing this when you already promised-"


Those words struck his wounded heart more then he though it would hurt,he grip his fists tightly and run out from the room and to his room,he doesn't care about the tears that streaming down his face,he just couldn't handle anything like this anymore.

First being abuse by his parents and now this?

Why does faith has to be cruel to him? He wanted to die as all of the suicidal thoughts rise up back to his mind after so long being forgotten.

His breathing was heavy,his vision was blurry,his heart was racing and he felt like he was about to threw up when everything around began to spin endlessly.

Reaching his destination,he close the door and locked. Fall to his knees and gripped his head tightly,his nails digged in his skull. Body shaking uncontrolablely like a posessed child,and his single ocean blue eye wide with strings that keep his sanity together snapped one by one.

He wanted to scream

He wanted to die

He wanted to vanish from the living Hell

And hopely,never return to the world.

He wanted to fall asleep in endless black void where everything is finally silence for once,no beating,no pain,no tears and no fear.

The poor boy can heard his own heartbeats beating loudly agaisnt his ribcage,his chest tighten making it harder for him to breath,feel like he was drowning until he start to see black spots,and soon...

He passed out,on the cold floor.

Sebastian PoV..

After I shouted at him,I can see the same fear in his eye,see how his body tremble while looking at me in disbelief make me chuckle.

He sure is one hell of a naive child isn't he?

I meant,the reason I buy him is not because I pity some whiny kid like him,I just want him for my own entertaintment,my own pleasure.

Leaning back agaisnt my chair,I start to think,how much fun that I can have with him~

And to make sure that he wont try to run away I will put more guard around the manor. Even then,if he do run away where would he go to? That kid dont have friends,and Im sure he wont go back to his abusive,drunk parents now would he?

I snickered at my own though,smirking slightly and turn the chair around to look outside the window.

Yet somehow,something in my chest telling me that this isnt right,something felt horribly wrong...

And I hate it so much.

I shouldn't be feeling like this..

What happening to me exactly?

I shake my head and decide to go out in the garden for a bit,I needed a fresh air.

And so,I stood up from the chair and make my way down stairs and to the garden,avoiding as many servants as I can, I actually hate to interact and socialize with people,they annoy me greatly.

Espeacily young women who tried to make their way inside my pants,what make them think I would like them with all that thick make up,way to many perfumes,and all those tight clothes?

I never understand them,not now,not tomorrow,not in many upcoming years.

A sigh escape my lips,I really need to relax.

And so,I continue to walk deeper into the garden that I never explore.





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