Chapter 6

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Now,the bluenatte is already in the kitchen where the older male has requested him to be. Dressed up neatly into the butler outift,he still holding back his tongue from spitting curse as to why he have to wear it. And being the next headbutler nonetheless. The single thought already make him feel so drained,so tired of everything and the man-so-called-master bullshit.

Sure that he knew the man wanted him to break completely,but to think that he will let himself to crumble down,curled on the floor and crying infront of the so called devil without a fight?

Oh that is where he is dead wrong.

Shaking his head lightly,he was now fully facing the same older man. Three other servants was behind Tanaka,and they all stay still like a lamp poll.

One look like a teenage boy who could possibly older then him. Light cherry blonde hair with two red hair pin holding the bang of his front hair from covering his eyes. The eyes were bright green,filled with positive emotions that make his stomach turned. As he no longer could look at such gaze without thinking that there will be something bad happen and erased it away. The boy,is a gardener and his is Finnian,prefered to be called Finny and annoyingly too cheerful.

The second one is an adult male, maybe in his early thirties,perhaps? Dirty blonde hair,lazy blue eyes with a ciggarate in between his lips. The man was tall,as tall as Sebastian,maybe a tad bit shorter. His name is Bardroy,he doesn't care if people want to call him Bardroy or Bard only. Not that he care anyway.
The man himself look like the lay-back type,but Tanaka says that he is the chef for the manor.

And lastly,a magenta haired maid who smiling as wide as Finny. She has a large round glasses. One hand at the back as the other one pushed back thr glasses that about to slide off from the bridge of her nose. Not to mention her hair is being tied into two short ponytails,she also dressed neatly unlike the other two. Tanaka introduce her as Mey-rin.

They all greeted the bluenatte with either a grin or a smirk. Causing him to crossed his arms,feeling that the other three could cause him trouble by the time that they might be forced to work together in the gigantic manor.

"Any reason why you wanted me to be the next Headbutler?"

Ciel asked,already feeling it has been too long that the older male hasn't stated his true reason about it. Single blue eye burned into the older man,he doesn't want to seems rude,but he just does not care for polite attitude anymore.

Be it with the devilish man,he could care less about it.

Tanaka smiled just a bit at him,nodding his head as he simply answer with a 'of course' before adding:

"As you can see,I already am to old for nearly everything. And I needed someone to take my place"

"Why me? Why can't it be any other servants in the huge manor?" Ciel asked again,his patiente wearing thin,he can fill his own blood began to boil as his voice start to rise up due to his anger.

"And what make you think that I want to stayed near that Asshole?!"

He snapped,teeth bared together. Just as he about to open his mouth,he was startled by a fist collide with the table not to far from him. Looking up with wide visible blue eye,he sees Bard almost looming over his short firgure.

The man eyes were set in blazing fire,as he doesn't know what has trigger the man to be this angry with him.

"Listen here brat.."

He began slowly with a growl.

"I don't give to flying fuck about what Sebastian has done to you. Yes he may be a bastard,an asshole,a douchebag. But for the love of God up there..don't you fucking dare to insult him right infront of my face!"

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