Chapter 5

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The broken boy,Ciel Phantomhive was in the satanic man bedroom,packing all his stuff and arrange it inside the suitcase carefully.

Yes he still hurt by the man,being betrayed is not something easy that you can just accept it and deal with it. Now he learn to never ever put his trust into someone else dirty hands so easily.

He sighed,its not like he can turn back time now,looks like he just have to deal with it.

Mixing emotions and struggles to stay beneath the surface of the sea of emotions,he take a deep breath and continue to finish the duty his 'master' has ordered him to. Once done,he stood up and make his way to the door,wanting to find a place where he can clear his mind from all of this maddening things.

He doesn't care where his legs bring him,he just continue to walk and walk in what seems like an endless hallways of the humongous manor.

At last,he was face to face with the devil's.

His visible eye look at him,almost empty,but surely dead inside. He stare into the red orbs of the man,trying not to flinch when the man lifted his head up by the chin."Aww..are you already become an obdient dog?" The man purred and Ciel hold back his growl.

"Now be a good pet while I'm not in the manor, I will be back after five days from this meetings of mine"

And Sebastian licked the boy,still swallon lips,chuckling when the boy shivered lightly,but still noticeable.

He patted the boy cheek,before walk pass him with the sadistic smile on his pale,kissable lips. Sebastian then walk out from the door of the front hall,where Tanaka and the car is waiting,while two other servants is carrying his launge. When the ravenatte get into the carriage safely,he turn his gaze to the top window,where he can see the younger male glaring down at him,and his eye that scream:


Sebastian could only chuckle to himself and smirked at Ciel,before winked at him when the car began to move. He watched his manor slowly become so distane,and so is the boy that vanish from his sight. Sighing,he still somehow, wasn't able to throw away the guilty feeling in his guts. He suppose to be heartless! Cold! Emotionless and a monster! He never,EVER felt guilty to whoever he bent and break. So why does this boy,Ciel Phantomhive make him feel so hard to breath and feel alive? Ciel make him feel emotions after so many years of feeling nothing and emptiness. So why? Why with the boy so different?

He didn't know the answer,he want to seek for it but it make his mind swirl around,making him dizzy and everything around become blurry.
Frustrated,he just groan and tried to let his mind wonder to whatever it can as long as it not Ciel.

In the Manor-

Ciel huffed when the man finally gone from his sight,he turn around on his heels and walk to his room,with a tight scowl on his face. His fist are clenched together tightly that make his knuckles turn white,gritting his teeth on the way.

Oh how he wished that the car will somehow explode, or a truck run over the car, or the car lost control and throw him to the edge of a bridge. He continue to wish that happen as his lips slowly curled up into a smirk,then he met one of the maid in the manor.

"Hey you!" He growled,making the poor woman starled and jumped slightly,looking at him in surprise and about to scold him but stop mid-way,once she saw the furiousness and pure hatred in the boy visible blue eye.

"Y-yes?" She answered,even tho her voice shuttered.

"Find me something else to wear! I will not stay in this ridiculous outfit for the whole day!"

"B-bu-but Mr Mich-"

"That fucking bastard is not here! Now fetch me a cloth before I slaughter your neck!"

Ciel hissed in anger,watching the maid quickly run off to somewhere to get what he demand for. Huffing,he walk back to his room once more,and now only waited for the maid to return.

The clock ticked for each second,and sometimes he would glance outside the window,sometimes he will try to rip his cloth of. Just as he about to throw his tantrum,an old butler came into the room after a small knock. The man was holding a black colored clothes with a pair of shoes that suit his size,then he spoke.

"I heard you didn't like being the master personal maid"

"I rather die then being in the same room with him" ciel growled.

"Then i shall make you become the next head butler,would you like that?"

"Head butler? Better then wearing this..piece of garbage" he said and pointed over the outfit he was wearing.

"Very well,take this then meet me at the kitchen. I will teach you what you need to know" The old man bowed and about to leave the room when the boy called for him.

"What..what do i call you?"

"Tanaka will be alright" He chuckled,and walk out of the room when the boy gave him a small nod. Now he knew why Sebastian heart start to change even just a bit,because of the boy.

A demanding,sassy,and somehow he can sense that the boy can be much more satanic then Sebastian. He just have to wait and see how it going to turns out.


Just finish reading a sad ending of The Terapist by Kawaiigurl203 make me want to kill myself.....and my favourate number 2 betray me...

And sorry if this chapter is short! Im busy with my miserable life...

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