Home Again

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Loni POV

After my mini meltdown they decided to keep me for a few more days to not only try and run some more test but also to make sure I was mentally stable. Today was my release day, John kept everyone away and didn't mention my condition to anyone at my request.

With help from my loving boyfriend, i was able to get a shower and get dressed into something cute.

"You look beautiful as always love." He told me sitting me in the very expensive chair he bought to accommodate me loosing my leg movement.

"I look weak." I said pissed off. At my body, at Toya, the bitch who did this, Nene, but mostly myself. I should have never turned my back on her.

"Hey cut that shit out, now. You are not broken and you sure as hell ain't weak. I weak person would have died right away, not fought to stay alive and sure as hell wouldn't have fought to wake up from said coma. So fucking what you can't walk right now but guess what? You're still the same woman you were before all of this! Still the same woman who showered her kids in nothing but love, had a giant heart, and could kick someone's ass. I may sound blunt and rude as hell but I'm not going to sugar coat this shit and allow you to blame others for what that idiot bitch did. Yeah Toya fucked up sleeping with that guy, but she paid for her mistakes. Now stop blaming yourself and be the woman I know you can be and the strong ass stubborn woman you are Leloni!" He yelled in my face as the nurse rushed in with papers in her hand worried.

"Is everything okay in here? We heard yelling." She asked before batting her damn lashes at John.

"Everything is fine now you can hand me my wife's fucking release papers and stop trying to bat your damn fake eyelashes before you fly away." He said snatching the papers from her hand as she blushed embarrassed. The doctor walked in smiling as he shook John's hand.

"So after all the test being ran, I sadly have to stick to my previous diagnoses and file that you are paralyzed, but the feeling will come back eventually, I say a few weeks. Now with a ton of physical therapy, there is a chance, its tiny but still a chance, you could walk again. I have to say you have an amazing husband and supporter he stayed by your side every day you were out and made sure we did weekly ultrasounds on you to make sure your child was okay, which they are. At 3 months your belly should be coming in soon. I think that's all the information I had for you. Come back in 6 weeks for you check up and you are free to go." He told us smiling as John rolled me out of the room.

When we got to the house John helped me to the door opening it pushing me to the living room that held our families in it with a welcome home banner.

"Welcome Home Loni!" They yelled before turning to shocked faces at my chair.

"Oh my god, my baby." Granny said with her hand over her heart.

"Thanks guys. This means a lot. Please just act as if its not here. Please." I begged as Jason came forward smiling.

"So is it my turn to give you the lap dances?" A laugh left my lips as the girls ran to me from Toya and Mateo, who had the triplets.

"Mommy! You're finally awake. Did daddy have to kiss you to break the spell? And your half robot! Thats awesome!" Miley yelled smiling and climbing in my lap followed by Marie.

"We have a cool Mommy and Daddy. Everyone elses sucks. Especially Jonnie's." Marie said making everyone come give me hugs.

"Hey be careful." John said when Toya hugs me just a little tight.

"Sorry, did I hurt you sis?" She stuttered out wiping her tears.

"I ain't talking ng bout her. You could have squished my little man in here." He said with a proud giant smile, as everyone turned to him cheering even more.

"Oh damn, another John. We're officially fucked." Mateo muttered smiling as our family not only celebrated my return home but also the blessing we got out of this terrible experience.

Maybe John is right, I need to stop feeling worthless and be proud. Hell God kept me alive for a reason and as long as I'm here, I'm going to fight for what I need. Chair or not. Bring it on World, I'm ready for you!

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