Chapter 16 A Choice is Made

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Everyone started to head toward the Great Hall. Both Hermione and Draco stayed under the cloak. Past Hermione and Draco were on opposite sides of the large room, but they suddenly disappeared, along with the invisibility cloak. "Where'd we go?", Draco asked in a confused tone. A moment later, the material covering the two of them slowly vanished.

"Your past self disappears when the time frame is back on track. I guess time is giving us a second chance to enjoy what Voldemort destroyed", Hermione stated as she saw Pansy come into view. Draco seemed to notice as well. "Go to her, Draco."

As he saw Pansy talking to Blaise and Theo, he turned back to see that Hermione was already gone. "Welcome back, Draco. We knew you could change everything", said Theo.

"You guys know?", Draco was taken back when he discovered his friends were aware about the time change. How could they know about the time-turner if him and Hermione were the only ones who went back?

"Apparently, something just stuck with us. Granger may not have been the best partner along that journey, but things are a lot better than they were before", Blaise said as he looked back and forth between Draco and Pansy. Draco realized that Blaise, Theo, and Pansy were unaware that Draco's feelings toward Hermione had changed over the last few months. However, he decided it was best not to say anything, and worry about the issue later.

Draco looked over at Pansy with a soft look. He tried to convince himself that he would be happy to see Pansy again. As he looked at the girl who stood before him, Draco felt nothing. He saw her as another human being and nothing else. Both him and Pansy currently looked like they were having their own conversation with their eyes. The whole time that Draco was talking to his two friends he kept his eye gaze on the girl that stood in front of him.

"It was a nightmare..", he said mainly to her. "The other world we lived in was miserable. Bellatrix was a teacher, my parents and Theo's parents were dead, all the joy was taken from the world, and Pansy... they killed you as well. Granger and I helped each other to fix everything and..." He suddenly stopped rambling when he saw Pansy's face, and it was basically like they were back to having a conversation with their eyes.

"Well, Theo, I think we should go talk to other people. I think I see Daphne...", Blaise said as he started to pull Theo aside, and even though Draco wasn't looking at them, he still thought his friends were complete idiots.

"Sometimes, I question why I hang out with them", said Draco while laughing. "Something's wrong." She looked up to see Draco stealing glances at Hermione.

"Look Draco, I have loved these past seven years we've spent inside these castle walls. Even though each year got weirder and weirder cause of three people, we still had a great time. I care about you so much." She paused to look down at the ground for a second. "...and that's why I'm letting you go."

All of his focus was now on her words. "What?", he asked almost heartbroken, but maybe that's how he wanted to describe it. It was more accurate to the fact that Pansy had realized how and what he was thinking at that moment, and that's something he didn't want.

Suddenly from a different part of the room, in the distance they heard a familiar voice shout "Daphne isn't over here!"

"We weren't a good match, Draco. We are not the same people we happened to be three years ago. I can see that this other world has changed you quite a bit. I also know that the results of the war is going to have an impact on everyone, but everything will change for the better." Draco was surprised to find himself relieved by Pansy's words.

Once upon a time, Draco and Pansy truly did love each other. During their third year and fifth year, Draco and Pansy's feelings of love were authentic. However, things went downhill during their sixth year of Hogwarts. The task the Voldemort had given Draco caused him to push everyone away, including his close friends. Draco only stayed in the relationship to keep his parents happy. They wouldn't allow Draco to marry anyone other than a pure blooded witch. The fact that Pansy was the one to end the relationship made Draco feel quite relieved. A slight smile appeared on his face. Pansy couldn't even remember the last time she saw Draco Malfoy smile instead of smirk.

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