Chapter 3

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Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of  charity it is an act of justice.

- Nelson Mandela.

Giara's POV.

"Whatever he says, does, you will not kill him or cause any harm to him, Giara. You will control your anger no matter what happens. Do you get that Giara?" I said to myself. Yep, I am talking to myself. Prep talking because I've got anger issues. I just hope he doesn't say anything that might offend me because god save him from my clutches when he does. Wait-wait, don't save him. Because if he dies than there will be no highschool, no babysitting a brat. Yes!! That's right no babysitting woohoo!!

"No-no. No, yes Giara! If he dies then you failed your mission. If you fail your mission, Commander will be disappointed in you. No-no you're dealing with that brat no matter what happens. And yes you are going to complete your mission at any cost." I said pointing at my reflection in the mirror.

"Come on G! Let's get going." Alec called.

"Yeah!! Coming." I shouted back as I made my way downstairs.

"Don't sweat about it G. You'll get the job done." He said patting my shoulder when I walked with him outside.

"I'm not worrying about the job Alec. I'm worrying about that kid who'll be under my claws." I said smriking.

"That's more like Giara we know."

"Come on let's get this over with." I muttered under my breath.

*At Olsen's Mansion*

"This guy is hella rich dude." Jack wolf-whistled as we entered the gates of Olsen's mansion.

"I don't get it. Why waste such an amount of money on petty things like stone statues and garden, when that money can help other ten homeless people." Alec said looking around the humongous garden.

"Ha! Like these snobs care about those ten homeless people. These people only care about money and their reputation. And these stones and trees are the key to the reputation door." I said answering his question.

"Now that's totally show off." I said pointing to mermaid fountain which was the size of an apartment.

"Uhh-huh, now enough of that. Remember to find who's threatening the Olsen's son, arrest him and boom!! Mission complete." Alec started with his prep talk which is very lame by the way.

"Okay find the villain, catch him and job is done. Just like a cop. Easy-peasy." I repeated to myself.

Out of sudden I was attacked with pair of strong arms around me, squeezing living daylights out of me.

"I'm gonna miss you so so much G. Even though I'm jealous that you've got to live in this heaven." Jack said squeezing me to death. Literally, he's got quite strong arms. You know like those rugby player with padding and all. Yeah that strong.

"J-Ja-ack I can't breathe."

"You're choking her to death idiot." Alec hissed smacking Jack at his back of head.

"Thanks Alec." I said coughing.

"I'm gonna miss you to Jacky. If I could, I would've been more than happy to swap places with you." I said patting on his large arm.

"Okay guys that's enough of drama, it's not like she is gonna be here forever." Alec interrupted our sappy scene. "We should hurry up." And that's how we were in front of large doors waiting for guards to open it.

"Soooo..?? I got the details and all but is it really important for me to join him to his school. Like really? Highschool? Can't we find an another way to complete this mission?"

"Uh Huh. You're attending school with him and there's no other way. You never know, it might be someone from school who's threatening him." Alec answered nodding thanks to the guard who opened the door for us to enter.

"Yes, but--" i was cut off by none other than my employer. Blake Olsen.

"Hello. You must be Giara Edwards." He said in his deep voice.

"Daaammnn!!" That was my first reaction when I saw his beautifully craved face, but I didn't said that out loud. But let me tell you guys he is god's gift to human kind. Dark hair, defined cheekbones, jawline as sharp as knife. His dark blue fitting suit was complimenting his deep blue pools of eyes.

"Ouch!! What the hell!? Why the hell are you pinchin--" I was cut off by Jack whispering in my ear.

"You were staring at him." He whispered.

My head shot up to see he was waiting for me to shake hands with him, with amusement in his beautiful eyes.

"H-Hello--" I stuttered and cleared my throat before greeting firmly and shaking hands with him. "Hello, Mr. Olsen."

"Hello. We'll wait for my son in my office." He said in his deep sexy voice. Like seriously I really want thank Mr. Olsen's parents for doing the honky-ponky.

"Ouch!! Stop pinching me JACK!!" I hissed rubbing my arm.

"Then stop drooling and start walking."

"Yeah yeah. And I wasn't drooling ." I whisper-shouted at him.

"You so were drooling at him." He whisper-shouted back.

"Was not."




"No. No. No."

"Yes. Yes. Yes."

"No. N--"

"Cut it out guys. We don't have time for your petty fights" Alec stepped between us. "And Jack's right, you were drooling at him like he is a piece of meat."

"Ahh ha!! See even Alec is agreeing with me." Jack exclaimed.

"But he is, a sexy piece of meat." I said pouting.

"Okay G, remember you are here to protect his son not to drool at him." Alec said giving me stern look.

"Okay" I said still pouting.

"Uhh-huh. So let's go and wait for his son."

A/N :

Holla people how's it going? Here's the third chapter. How was it? Long? Yes it's longer than previous chapters. Btw Alec and Jack are Giara's colleague. Sooo..
Okay fine I accept defeat I don't know how to write these damn author notes. It's awkward. Eeks. Anyways, Thanks for reading. And do leave your comments, I would really like to know your opinions.Please vote and share with your pals.

Alba 💜

Love, Alba 💜

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