Chapter 33

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Some relationships are like Tom & Jerry. They tease each other, knock down each other, irritate each other but can't live without each other.

Jay's POV.


And here goes the bell. I'm still not ready to face him yet. I know I agreed that we'll talk in lunch and all but now I don't think so. I just hope that Giara is right. That Mark loves me too much to forgive me.

"Jay? Hello? You in there?" Giara asked waving her hand in front of my face.

"Umm yeah. What's up?"

"Bell rang. Class is over." She leaning against my desk.

"Yeah I was just.. Giara do you really think that he'll forgive me?" I asked hoping that I'll get some reassurance.

"Seventeen years. You guys were together since you two were born. Do you think he'll be able to live without you?" She asked with her hands on her hips.

"But after what I did--"

"But nothing. Don't worry too much. Come on now, he must be waiting for us."

"Okay." I collected​ my things from the desk and shoved them in my backpack. I took a deep breath before saying. "Okay let's get this over with."

*In cafeteria*

"What? Again, no nuggets today?" Giara pouted looking at the burger which the lunch lady was handing everybody. I rolled my eyes. I quickly took mine and turned to see Giara telling the lunch lady to serve nuggets next time. She took her lunch and shoved some of the fries in her mouth while walking towards me.

"Pig." I muttered.

"What? I didn't get to eat this morning."

"You could have waited until we reach our table."

"I am hungry. And about table, we are sitting somewhere else today. So you can have some privacy." She said walking towards the corner table where nobody could hear us. Mark was already there. She pulled a seat plopping down on chair with saying something like finally and then greeted Mark.

"Hey Marcus." He greeted back. I quietly pulling a seat beside him and sat down not knowing what to do or say. Few moments passed nobody uttered a word, only Giara's appreciative moans could be heard about finally getting​ something to eat.

"So?" She asked after devouring her lunch.

"So?" We both asked.

"Seriously?" She asked exasperated. "You guys need to talk if you want to sort this out. So talk!"

"Okay." I said and turned towards Mark. "So--"

"Oh while you at it, could you pass me your fries. I'm hungry." She interrupted. I don't know where all the food goes. She eats like a barbarian. I sighed and passed her my fries and untouched burger.

"Thanks." She chomped down on them as soon as I passed it. Pig.

"You were right Mark." I said turning towards him.

"Ah ha!! Finally! It feels so good to hear that. Can you say that again. I'll record it this time." He said taking out his phone. I just gave him a look. "Oh. Okay, continue please."

"I am sorry that I don't believe you. I was blinded by love which was not exactly love. Like you said I'm naive. I don't know what I was thinking when I said that I don't want you as my friend. I'm really sorry for that. Mark you know that I can't live without you right? We're brothers for life. Please forgive me Mark."

"Okay. I forgive you. It's not like I can live without you too." He smiled. I pulled him in a hug.

"Awww. Look at my babies. Finally patching up." Giara said wiping her fake tears.

"Shut up."

"So how did you find out?" Mark asked.

"After Giara kissed him, she made me follow them when Rachel left with Kyle following behind. That's when we heard them talk and kiss." I said bowing my head down in shame for not believing Mark before.

"It's okay Jay. You'll get over her. I know you loved her. But you know what? She isn't worth your love, your time or thought." Mark patted my back trying to comfort me.

"Actually I don't love her or l would say 'loved' her. I just loved the idea of her being with me." I said looking up at Giara. It was her who made me realise that.

"Well, that's great then you don't love her. I always hated her." He hissed the later part. "And Kyle? I hate him too. How could he do that to his own bestfriend. I still can't believe you kissed him Giara." He turned towards her.

"What is not believe in there?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"I mean you could have used different methods."

"Yeah I could have but I wanted to prove Jay that I am not a lesbian." At that she glared at me. "Plus he's hot and good kisser."

"Oh god!! Don't tell me you're falling in love with him." Mark groaned.

"Love?" She snorted. "There's no such thing as love in this world." I could sense the bitterness in the sentence.

"Huh?" Mark asked dumbfounded when she spoke with such bitterness suddenly. I know where that bitterness was coming​ from. Honestly I don't expect anything​ less from her when it comes to love. I feel bad for her. She had no mother's love, god took that away at the very tender age of six. It was her father's job to give her the love she was longing for but all he gave was sadness and lectures of her being a disappointment. Then came her boyfriend, what's his name? Jax! She gave him everything, hoping that she'll get what she always wanted, love. But all he gave back was betrayal. I don't know how she survived that. She is lot more stronger than she looks.

"It's nothing." She waved off. "So are we going to celebrate?"

"Yeah we should celebrate. Two brothers uniting. What you say Jay?" Mark asked getting excited.

"Why not? But before that I want to thank you Giara."

"Oh thank me when you get rid of her." She answered looking at someone​ behind me.

"O-oh. Blonde bitch incoming." Mark said.

"Hey Jay Baby! Where were you? I was searching for you since morning!" Rachel said approaching me and kissing my cheeks. I pulled her off me.

"Yeah I kinda wanted to talk to you." I said shifting my chair away from her.

"Okay go ahead or we go somewhere private." She said eyeing Mark and Giara who staring at us as if we were imitating their favourite movie scene.

"No here is fine." I took a deep breath and said. "I want to break up."

"What? Sorry I didn't hear you right." She said chuckling.

"I want to break up." I repeated more firmly.

"What?!? Why baby?" She shrieked. I could hear snickers coming from Mark and Giara in the background. "What are you laughing at huh?!? And you bitch?" She shrieked at Giara.

"Me?" Giara asked still snickering.

"Yes you. I know you are the reason behind this break up. You guys are together right? I knew that you were behind my man." She turned towards me. "And you Jay? You are leaving me for her?! I can't believe you right now."

I opened my mouth to deny that we were not together or anything but suddenly Giara was in my lap.

"Yes, I am the reason behind this break up. Yes, we are together and yes, he's leaving you for me. And now he ​is my man." I don't know why but a shiver went down my spine hearing that. "Isn't it right baby?" Giara said turning in my lap to face me and cupping my face in her hand. I looked up to see Rachel turned red, waiting for my answer to that.

I turned towards Giara, wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her closer and cupped her face just like she did mine.

"Yes, that's right babe." I said smirking at her. I got lost in her ocean blue eyes until I heard Rachel shriek causing us to jump and zone in the real world around us.

"Ugh!! You'll pay for this bitch." She, for one last time glared at Giara and at my hand which was around Giara and left stomping. We both looked at her and then at each other and burst out laughing.

"Oh god that was priceless guys!!" Mark laughed banging his hand on the table.

"Yeah it was. But why did you do that?" I asked Giara who was still on my lap and my arm was still wrapped around her waist.

"I just wanted to piss her off." She said laughing. She looked so carefree and good when she laughed. The way her eyes would crinkle. The sound of her laugh was so beautiful. Wait what? What am I thinking? Stop thinking Jay. I cleared my throat.

"Umm Giara. Could you just?" I asked turning red.

"Could I what Jay?" She asked tracing my face with her finger and running her hand up and down on my chest. I gulped. I could feel heat crawling up on my cheeks and down in southern region of my body.

"I mean she's​ gone. Y-you can, you know g-get up from my l-lap." I said trying not to stutter but failed miserably.

"But I'm comfortable here." She said moving her ass as if trying to get more comfortable on my lap. Which was clearly not comfortable for me. "Why Jay? Am I making you uncomfortable?" She whispered nibbling on my ear.

"N-no. I m-mean y-es you a---" she cut me off finally ending the torture by getting up and chuckling at my face. I can seriously bet on that my face is more redder than it was in the morning.

"I seriously thought you guys were going to kiss." Mark said.

"Kiss?" She laughed. "He blushes more than virgin Mary. I wouldn't want to taint such innocence." She said pinching my already warm and red cheeks.

"I do not!" I whined shoving her hands away. She just laughed at me.


"And that's the cat lady's call." Mark said getting up and collecting​ his lunch tray. "I don't know about you guys but I am never ever going to skip her class again. Last time was enough."

"Yeah, last time was dreadfully enough." I stood up straightening my pants and collecting​ my tray, dumping it in the dustbin.

"Even though her history lectures are boring but I would take those over her screaming any day." Mark said dumping his tray too.

"Those lectures are not boring if you pay attention." Giara butted in.

"Pleaseee.. It's history we are talking about. It's boring in everyway." Mark said.

"I don't find it boring, rather interesting." She said shrugging.

"Whatever. Let's get going, we don't want repeat of last time." I said at which they both nodded.

"Yeah come on."

*In classroom*

The door slammed open and Ms. Nutters walked in slamming our huge history textbook on the table getting everybody's attention.

"Okay listen you kids, I'm already in bad mood, so I don't need any ruckus in here while I'm teaching." She said glaring at us with her cat eyes.

"Like she isn't in bad mood everyday." Mark whispered in my ear from beside me. I snickered but covered it by coughing when Ms. Nutters glared at me.

"Good, so let's start with today's lesson." And with that I zone out thinking about my life. My life suddenly took a twist in last two weeks. So many changes. I got a female bodyguard. I was almost kidnapped. Mark and I had the biggest fight. My girlfriend cheated on me. I had a break up just few minutes ago. Giara and I have come to an understanding even though we banter now and then. She shared her secrets with me. I can't believe how she survived from what she went through. I wouldn't​ be able to live like her. Showing everyone that she doesn't care, that she is happy when deep down inside she is dying.

I turned my head to look at her. She was sitting straight with her back erect, eyes roaming around watching everyone with suspicious eyes. Suddenly her eyes met mine. My eyes widened, I quickly turned around blushing that I got caught staring at her. Idiot. Idiot Jay. What were you thinking, staring at her like creep. I mentally smacked my head.

I turned around again to sneak a look at her just to see her staring right back at me. She raised her eyebrow asking 'what?'. I blushed and shook my head saying 'nothing' and turned my attention back to Ms. Nutters trying to pay attention to whatever she was teaching but couldn't understand because only one thing was going around my head.

"What is wrong with me and all this blushing?"


Yay!!! I updated. And I completed one of my promise about updating longer chapter. Yeah yeah you're​ welcome. *Flips her non-existing long hairs* (Ps. I have short hair.) And about other promise, I don't see that completing any time soon. I don't have much to say today other than what you think about this chapter? About Jay's cute blush? And about finally getting rid of blondie bitch? Let me know down in the comment section. Until next time peeps. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share with your pals.

Alba 💜

Love,Alba 💜

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