Chapter 60

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In the night of death, hope sees a star and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing.

- Robert Ingersoll

"Hello Giara." Donati smirked walking towards Giara. She hissed in return, clenching her jaw which was hurting to much.

"Uncle." Paul bowed his head with others in respect.

"Oh look doggy Paul's master is here." Giara muttered through pain. As soon as those words left her mouth she was strike across her face again.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! Stop hitting her, you coward!" Jay shouted from the side, struggling against the ties.

"I-I am fine J-Jay." She muttered and spat the blood on the ground. Turning towards Paul she smirked. "That's all you got Pauly!" She teased pouting at him.

"You bitch-" He was about to hit her again.

"That's enough Paul." The master announced sternly before turning towards Giara and grinning. "You did enough to her pretty face." He said and then held Paul's chin turning it to left and right. "Hmmm, she definitely did you good though." He laughed. Giara chuckled bitterly.

"Untie my hands and I'll show you what's good." She spat glaring at him.

"Calm down tigress, I was just praising you." Donati teased and walked near Giara. He squatted down in front of her.

"To be honest, I am impressed little girl." He whispered taking her chin his hand but was jerk off as Giara turned her face to side.

"Don't touch me jackass." Giara growled. He just chuckled and held her chin again this time, more harshly and tight.

"Like I was saying, I am impressed, you survived till the end. It's impressive, you knew that Jake and Austin weren't there to simply kidnap him the very moment you held them hostage. You broke into my house. Tracked me down. That's something that no one has done. They always lost on the first stage but you little girl, you survived." He grinned at Giara.

"You do know that my men have your dear daughter with them?" Giara gritted through her teeth.

"So?" He asked. "Oh wait you are threatening me? My, my, little girl that's my job."

"Let go of her you nameless bastard!" Jay shouted from other side. He was punched in the face in return by Paul.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! Don't touch him you cunt!" Giara shouted as struggle against the rope.

"Oh look! How lovely, two little lovers we have." Donati said as he stood up. He dusted his pants and walked towards Jay.

"You touch him and you are dead Donati." Giara warned. Donati let out a booming laugh.

"I really like her! She is in no position to threaten me yet she is doing it!" He laughed but walked towards Jay and squatted down in front of him just like he had in front of Giara.

"Hello Jay. I was busy being impressed by your lover there that I forgot to introduce myself to you. Well I am Angelo Donati, a very, very old friend of your father." He grinned thinking about how Blake will feel that his dear son knows about his past life that he had hid from everyone.

"I don't care whoever fuck you are! Stop hurting her and let us go." Jay growled as he glared at Donati.

"Why, don't you wanna know what your father did in his past life? Why you are here?"

"No! Just stop hurting her and please let us go!" Jay shouted in frustration. He was worried and shit scared for Giara. Paul had hit her many times and god knows what he did to her when Jay was unconscious.

"Saying that makes me want to hurt her more." Donati said as he gestured Paul with his head. Paul nodded and walked towards Giara and slapped her across her face.

"Giara! You bastard! How can you do this? Stop hurting her, you wanted me from the start, take me, hit me, beat me up! Do whatever you want with me but please stop hitting her." Jay pleaded.

"Jay don't. I a-am fine." Giara stuttered. Donati laughed again.

"Oh this so good. I think you made it easier for me Jay." He laughed. "I thought I have to work for it, but you're agreeing just like that."

"I'll, I'll do anything just let her go please, don't hurt her." Jay pleaded.

"Stop Jay. Just don't give into him. I'll get us out of here."

"So much love. Ahh, just like your father ." Donati spat. "We will think about letting her go but you have to do anything I say."

"What? What do you want from me?"

"Dear Jay, I want you to join Black Viceroys and take up the legacy of your father." He said as he stood up and dusted his pants.

"Black Vi- ? Legacy?" Jay was confused with weird name and legacy? And what type of legacy?

"Oh I forgot that little boy here doesn't know anything about his father's past life. Let me enlighten you with that. Your father used to be most feared gangster in California. We both were the members of the most feared gang, Black Viceroys. After our leader died he left us with a decision, that is to elect our next gang leader. That time your father used to the strongest and wisest person. He was a capable leader in our eyes. So we elected him. He promised us that he will lead us forever and take care of us until his last breath. He promised that Black Viceroys is going to be his life, that he will never abandon us. Everything was good for years, we were at the top most position until he fell in love." Donati spat the last four with disgust.

"He promised us all sort of things and then he straight up left us! How can he do this to us!?" Donati shouted and flipped the wooden table upside down which was beside him.

"He had asked you, he had asked you to support his decision and you had said yes." Giara said. She had remembered that Mr. Olsen had said about this.

"Yes! He had promised that even if he had decided to leave this gang, he will never forget us. But he did." The last words were whispered in sadness.

"Huh." Giara laughed catching everyone's attention. "To me it looks like your jealous person with one sided love." She laughed again but was stopped as Donati was front of her with his hand wrapped around her neck, choking her.


"You are playing with my patience little girl. No matter how much I like you, if you insult me I won't hesitate to kill you."

"Sir!" One of Donati's man came running inside, he panted before talking. "Sir, some men have arrive here and they are armed." Donati groaned and release Giara from his grip and pushed her back causing her to fall sideways on ground. Her head slammed against the ground and a crack was heard. No, it wasn't her head but the chair which had broken it's leg.

"I don't want them coming inside!" He shouted and ordered his man to go outside to resist them. "How did they found us?!" He shouted asking Paul and Rico.

"Just like how I found Jay." Giara laughed and then grimaced when Donati kicked her in the stomach.

"You morons did not check her!" He shouted as he held Paul by his collar. Giara was chuckling even though she was in pain. She knew that Donati will be gone for good now and her job too.

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As soon as Jack was back to his senses Alec and Jack gone to headquarters to prepare a team.

"Commander." Alec saluted as he walked into Commander's office. "Jay Olsen has been taken. Giara is following but we need to prepare a team." Alec said it all in one breath.

"WHAT!?!?" Commander Nathan stood up from his chair slamming his fist on the table. "What was she doing when this happened?!"

"Umm Commander, What h-happened is t-that-"

"STOP FUCKING STUTTERING!" Nathan shouted again and then turned towards his telecom and called for an urgent meeting with other skilled agents. "They are coming. You are tracing their whereabouts?"

"Yes sir!" Alec answered. "Sir?" He called his Commander timidly.

"What now?" Nathan asked annoyed.

"Should we inform Olsen family. Maybe Mr. Olsen because he seems the reason behind all this." Alec confessed.

"What do you mean?"

"According Giara the person behind this is Mr. Olsen's old friend. From his gangster days." Alec muttered.

"Black Viceroys?" Nathan asked and Alec nodded in answer.

"Should we inform Mr. Olsen?" Alec asked again and at the same time Blake Olsen walked into the office wiping his hands on handkerchief.

"What you should inform me?" He asked smiling at both but his smile was not returned. He furrowed his eyebrows. "What happened? Something's wrong?" Nathan sighed and explained everything to his friend and client.

"WHAT?!" Blake Olsen shouted. "How is that possible?! Nathan!"

"I know, we are prepared. Alec let's go." Nathan said as he rounded the table and walked towards the office door.

"I am coming too." Blake Olsen announced making Nathan and Alec stop. "He is doing this because of me. I'll talk to him."

"Blake you are not thinking stra-"

"I am coming and that's final." Blake cut off Nathan sternly. Nathan sighed and nodded.

"Alec get him a vest and a gun." He ordered.

"But Commander-"

"WHAT?! Don't forget that he used to be a gang leader!" Nathan shouted.

"Y-yes sir." Alec nodded and they all made their way outside.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Wow he's so original." Alec whispered as he reached the warehouse where Giara and Jay are supposed to be held hostage.

"Is this the right location?" Blake Olsen asked as he stared at the warehouse.

"Yes sir." Alec answered furrowing his eyebrows at Olsen's question.

"Everyone I want you to surround the warehouse and if anyone comes in your while getting in. Shoot them." Nathan ordered through his HT.

"Yes Sir!" Came in the reply of other five agents.

"Blake your are coming in with us." Nathan said. All three of them climbed off the jeep and made their way inside towards the warehouse. Everyone were open firing. Alec and Nathan doing their best in protecting Blake and getting inside the warehouse.

They enter inside, there was no one. Every men were outside fighting against the agents leaving an open opportunity for three of them to enter inside. They searched through the alleys in between the metal racks but found nothing.

"Commander." Alec whispered shouted and motioned towards the wooden door. Nathan and Blake followed.

"On count of three." Nathan said. He took few steps behind, "One, Two and Three!" He kicked the door open. And they rushed inside with their gun searching the target.

"Jay!" Blake shouted as he saw his son tied to a chair. It was dark but bright enough to just see Jay tied to chair.

"DAD!" Jay shouted, more like cried. Blake was about to run towards his son when lights were switched on.

"How lovely! Your daddy is here Jay! " Angelo Donati grinned as he walked forward from the shadows. His gun was pointed at Jay head, his finger on the trigger ready to shoot. "One more step and I'll shoot his brains off."

"Giara!" Nathan shouted as he noticed his daughter unconscious on the ground tied to a chair. Her face looked swollen, covered with blood. Her black dress torn and a boy stood above her with his gun pointed on her.

"Ahh don't worry she's not dead. Just unconscious." Donati said.

Alec was seeing red. He had never seen Giara in this position, so fragile and weak. He turned and pointed his gun at Donati. Ready to shoot him dead.

"Alec stop!" Nathan ordered.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Her?" Alec gritted through his teeth. Donati just chuckled.

"You know she has a loud mouth. I tried talking to her politely but she just don't want to listen." He shook his head like he was disappointed. "She is your daughter right? What a lovely daughter you have? You trained her well."

"Shut it and lower you gun. You are already surrounded and there's no going back." Nathan said glaring at Donati. He let out booming laugh.

"Oh agent, you are so funny. Where did you find him brother?" He laughed asking Blake.

"Angelo stop it. What is wrong with you?" Blake asked stepping forward but stopped when Donati warned him by pushing his gun on Jay head.

"What is wrong with me?! What went wrong with you Blake?!" Donati shouted. "You left us for what, some woman who you fell in love with? You used to believe there's no love other then our brotherhood Blake!"

"Angelo you said you supported my decision! I never left without your all's concern!" Blake shouted back.

"Yes I did but you promised that you won't forget us! But you did Blake!" He shouted pressing his gun hard on Jay's head. "Do you know what happened after you left us? We were ambushed. We were stripped naked from everything Blake. There was no money, our brothers were killed mercilessly. Norteños took everything we had, everything. Do you remember Rivera? He was killed in his house, his wife and five year daughter were raped and killed in front of him."

"What?" Blake whispered as a tear left from his eye.

"Don't you cry, you weak bastard!" Donati shouted. "This is all because of you! You didn't kept your promise. We tried to contact you Blake but you refused it all. I even visited your company but was kicked out like a dog. You betrayed us Blake, you betrayed your brothers."

"No Angelo. I did not, I swear I didn't receive any calls or any messages. If I had known I would have never let that happen to my brothers."

"Stop lying to me! Stop! Nothing's gonna change now!" Donati shouted. "Do you remember this place Blake? This the same warehouse, where you had your last kill as our gang leader and Black Viceroy. This the same place where you ended it all." Donati said and then smirked. "And I am going start from where you ended it all. Your son is going to take over, he will keep the legacy going."

"Angelo no, don't bring my son into this! I will pay for the consequences but let my son go." Blake Olsen pleaded.

"But these are the consequences Blake, consequences of your betrayal." He said and glared at Nathan. "You, tell your pets to back off now or your daughter won't live to see daylight. I won't harm anyone if y'all just let me and my men leave from here with Jay." He grinned at the last two words.

"Dad let him do it, whatever he wants. Please dad, he will kill her dad please!" Jay cried and begged his father. "Mr. Edwards please save your daughter."

For second time in his life Nathan hesitated. First time was when he decided to let his daughter join SAA. Nathan didn't know what to do, protect his daughter first or his friend's son. He had taken oath to never let his personal relationships interfere in his work line. He was stuck between.

"Jay you don't have to do anything. He won't hurt Giara, calm down." Blake tried to convince his son.

"No dad, he will kill her, he tried to before you arrive. Please dad, don't let him hurt her. I can't live with it." Jay cried as he struggled against the ropes.

"Stop talking nonsense Jay. If you leave now Giara will not able to live with herself. Think about what she'll feel when you are gone!" Blake shouted.

Between all this ruckus, everyone were distracted, even Paul who had now pointed his gun at Nathan and completely forgotten Giara, who pretended to be unconscious. When Donati had pushed her she had slammed her head hard against the ground, she did blackout but for few minutes. She had heard it all, the plans of Donati of taking Jay with him. In fact a helicopter was coming for them. She had heard them coming, Mr. Olsen, Commander and Alec. The cry of Commander for her, everything single thing.

Everyone were too busy watching Jay and Mr. Olsen debate. Giara took this as her opportunity, her legs were already free when the chair's leg broke. The rope had loosen, those morons had used one rope to tie her up. Just a little movement and her legs were free, she slowly untangled her one hand. She looked up, Commander had his gun pointed at Donati and Donati had his at Jay. Mr. Olsen was debating with Jay. Paul who was pointing his gun at Commander had lost his concentration and was now focused on Jay and Mr. Olsen.

Giara turned her head little to her side since some tiny stones were digging her cheeks. She hissed lightly and looked up to see Alec staring at her wide eyed. She grinned and winked at him. She gestured towards Donati, "shoot when I act." She mouthed hoping he would get what she was saying. He nodded. Giara took a deep breath before she moved and punched Paul in his nuts. Donati got distracted, Alec took his chance shot Donati's hand. Both of them had loosen their gun and were crouching down, one holding his arm other holding his crotch.

Soon enough Nathan had his gun pointed Donati's head and Alec had Paul hands cuffed. Blake rushed towards his son. He kept mumbling sorry as he was untying him.

Giara groaned in pain when she tried to get up using her still tangled arm. That little pressure was too much for her arm, she collapsed back down. Her arm was surely dislocated.

"Giara!" All four men shouted in concern.

"I-I am fine." She assured and got up using her body support avoiding her injured arm. Slowly she untangled her injured arm and cradled it against her chest. She got up, she swayed a little but maintained her balance. "Commander." The word was left timidly from her mouth, her head down in shame. She had failed him, Mr. Olsen and herself.

As soon as Jay was untied, he rushed towards Giara and pulled her in his arms. He was crying, he was scared not for himself but for her, he was shit scared of losing her.

"I am sorry, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have left without you. I am really sorry Giara." He was literally crying on her shoulder while hugging her tight.

Giara just stood there frozen, no emotion just cold. She hated herself. She hated that she couldn't do her job properly, she hated that she failed her Commander and Mr. Olsen. Mostly importantly she hated herself for not protecting her love. She was disgusted with herself.

"Commander." Jack called as he ran inside. He sighed in relieved when took in the sight. Donati and Paul were take down. "Sir. We are cleared out the area. They have been sent and local police are here. They are questioning. And first aid is also here." He informed looking at Jay and Giara.

"I'll talk to them." Nathan said as he gestured towards Alec to pick Paul. Alec nodded and picked up Paul by his collar, Jack took him and they were out. Donati laughed cradling his arm.

"What now? You are handing me up to police? You do know that it will be easy for me to get out in just an hour."

"Shut it Donati or else you won't even see outside of this warehouse." Alec said ready to shoot him.

"Stop Alec." Nathan ordered and then gestured towards Jay and Giara. Alec sighed and nodded. He turned towards the two, Jay was crying holding Giara in his arms while she stood frozen. He slowly walked towards them. "Jay?" He called. "First aid is here, let me take her, you are injured too." Jay nodded and pulled back. He held her face in his hands looking into her eyes but hers, were avoiding his.

"Jay?" Alec called again.

"Huh? Yes." Jay said as he released her and turned around. As he turned his back, tears left her eyes. She quickly wiped them.

"It's okay." Alec whispered trying to embrace her. She shook her head no.

"Take care of him." Alec opened his mouth to protest but was cut off. "I am fine. He was drugged with Grey death." Alec sighed and walked towards Jay. Jay was swaying a little. His head ached like hell. His throat was sore, his jaw was hurting too.

Blake was still staring at his old friend with sad eyes. He was more disappointed with himself than he was with Donati. He blamed himself for this. If he hadn't left them.

"Blake? Blake!" Nathan called for his attention.


"You okay?" Blake nodded. "Let's go." Nathan said as he walked towards Donati and pulled him up. Blake nodded and made his way outside.

Giara was walking behind Jay and Alec, cradling her arm. She turned around to see Mr. Olsen walking out. Commander pulling Donati holding his upper arm. She sighed in relief, it was done, she thought but something caught her eye. It glisten from under his sleeves. It was a gun. She looked at his face, his eyes were on Jay. He was going to shoot him.

"JAY!" She shouted. Donati had pushed Nathan, pulled his gun and had fired. It was like in slow motion. The shoot was fired, Jay turned in alarm to looked at Giara but was pushed aside. He lost his balance, he was falling down Giara was in front of him. Her mouth open shouting his name. Suddenly her eyes widen, her body jerked in forward motion. Her eyes rolled back and after that Jay didn't know what happened, he blackout with her name on his lips.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When Jay opened his eyes he was in hospital. Wires attached to his hand, heart monitor beeping.

"Jay!" Rosalie Olsen cried . "Blake! Jay's awake!" She cried and kissed Jay all over his face.

"M-mom wa-ter." He stuttered out through his dry throat.

"Yes. Yes." She nodded and rushed to side table to get him water. She came back and helped him up.

"Mr. Jay, how are you feeling now?" Doctor asked as soon as he arrived with Blake Olsen.

"Tired." He whispered back after drinking the water.

"Do you remember what happened?" Doctor asked. Jay furrowed his eyebrows and suddenly everything came back.

"GIARA! Dad, Giara? Where is she? Mom, is she okay?! I want to see her. Dad!" He panicked.

"Jay! Jay! Calm down she is okay." Blake said rushing beside his son.

"No dad, I want to see her please dad! Please." Jay shook his head and tried to pulled the wires off.

"Son you can't at the moment. I promise you she is fine." Blake said.

"Mom.." He looked at his mom for help but she shook her head no.

"Sweetie she is fine, I promise. But now you have take care of yourself, you are not fully healed yet." Mrs. Olsen said caresses his cheeks.

"Yes, Mr. Jay even though we have taken out the drug you still need some rest. And don't worry about Ms. Edwards, she is fine." Doctor informed. Jay sighed and nodded. He turned towards his parents.

"Promise me that you'll take me to see her after I am allowed to." He said, they both nodded but they didn't kept their promise.

When Jay was completely healed he asked his parents about her whereabouts but they ignored him just like they did when he was in hospital. They had a fight about it but his parents never open their mouth. So he decided to take matters in his hands. He started searching for her. He contacted the hospital but they refused to give information. He even visited the house where she had taken him once but the house locked and put on sale. He did everything he could do to find her but he couldn't find her. It was like she disappeared in thin air. He started visiting the log in the forest hoping to find her there sitting on the log staring at the sunset but she never came.

He still visits the log where he fell in love with her.


The end! I hope you enjoyed reading this book. I am very, very thankful and grateful of your love guys. When I started this book I never thought I would gain so many reads. I started it with one scenario and it ended with this. I am grateful of your love, it was your comments, votes that kept me going. So thank you so so much! I love you guys, like seriously I love you 💕💕. Thank you for being a part of Jay's and Giara's and also Marcus's (couldn't forget him after all he's s the star of this book) journey. I hope you enjoyed every moment of it. I know I said this is the end but there is going to be an epilogue(say hell yah if excited) so that is going to be the end. And also, if you remember, I posted a chapter Not an updated part 2 to be exact. I ask if you wanted to do the interview thingy with characters and me. I am going to do that after the epilogue. So you go back to the mentioned chapter and ask the questions now. And for the last time(not really 😜) Don't forget to vote, comment and share this with your pals.

Alba 💜

Love,Alba 💜

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