Chapter 23

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You can survive without a girlfriend/boyfriend but you can't survive without your best friend.

Jay's POV

I woke up thinking about Giara. Yes, I am calling her Giara now. I think after what happened yesterday I should be grateful of her. If it wasn't for her, I might not be here today in comfort of my bed. The first thing I should do is apologize for my mistake. I tried yesterday but she was beyond pissed off. Maybe today she must have cooled down. I took a quick shower and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning mom, Mark." I greeted mom and 'stuffing his face' Mark.

"Good morning honey." Mom greeted kissing my cheek.

"Goof mohming." Mark said with his mouth full. Disgusting.

"Has Giara arrived yet?"

"Giara? Since when did you started calling her by her name." I just ignored him.

"Mom? Has she?"

"Yes. She is in your father's office." Mom said serving me a plate full of pancakes.

"Okay. I'm going." I took off towards dad's office.

"Where? What about your breakfast Jay?"

"To dad's office. I'll have it later."

"Okay. Bring your dad and Giara with you."

I was going to barged into the office but I heard him talking.

"What do you mean by he was almost kidnapped?!?" He shouted. "You're supposed to protect him. What were you doing then? Enjoying the party. Look Ms. Edwards, I know you're my best friend's daughter that doesn't mean I wouldn't notice your mistake. Though you're my best friend's daughter but you are hired here as a bodyguard. My son's life is in danger and you are here to protect him so I suggest you to do that rather then enjoying yourself."

"Sure sir. This will not happen again. I apologize for my mistake."

"You can leave now." I backed away from the door. She came out, without acknowledging me she started heading outside.

"Giara! Giara wait up!" She stopped but didn't turned around. "Giara I am really sorry. I ---" Before I could complete my sentence I found myself against the wall. Her furiously glaring eyes which were normally oceans of blue were now the colour midnight. Okay now she is beyond furious.

"I don't fucking need your sorry." She spat each and every word.

"But it was my mistake and you didn't deserve what dad said to you. You could've told dad that I ran off."

"I didn't because I'm not a brat like you to blame others because I couldn't do my job. I rather take the blame than be a whining brat like you."

"I am not--

"Don't utter a single word. I hate people like you. Grew up in your daddy's money and think they can fucking do anything. You people don't know a first thing about struggle. How would you? You always get want you want without any efforts. Just throw a little tantrum and your daddy will get you anything. Snobs." She spat that with so much hatred.

"But not me. I will not entertain any of your tantrums. I don't fucking care about your wants, desires and tantrums. I here to do my job and that's the only thing I care about. So I suggest you to listen to my warnings and instructions or so god help me." With that she released me and walked of fuming.

I know I made a mistake but that doesn't mean I am a brat. Okay fine, I did acted like a brat but I don't throw tantrum every time I want something. And she don't have a fucking right to call me a brat. She don't know anything about me. My father is rich that doesn't mean I am a snob. You know what fuck her. I am done with apologizing. She don't even deserve it.

"What's wrong?" Mark questioned as I took a seat beside him.

"Nothing." I started stabbing the pancakes.

"Whoa whoa. Whatever it is, please don't kill those pancakes for it."

"Shut up Mark."

"Okay jeez. Calm down dude."

"Jay where's your dad? And what is wrong with Giara?" Mom asked. Her name. I don't need to hear her name right now.

"He is in the office mom."

"Okay finish up your breakfast. Giara is waiting for you in your car. Did something happened in the office? She seemed pissed off."

"Nothing happened." I pushed my plate. "We are leaving for school. Come on Mark."

"Okay. See you later Aunt Rose." He said.

"See you later. Be safe you two. Bye!"

"Dude is she still pissed off. I mean you did messed up pretty bad yesterday. You should have listened to her. Did you apol--"

"I know I made a mistake! You don't need to remind me!!" I snapped at him. Apologize? I'm not doing any of that. She don't deserve it. She herself said that she do not care then why should I waste my breath and time on her. People like her don't deserve any kindness and generosity. She is a bitch and should be treated like one.

I slammed the door shut, getting in the car. Mark followed behind. As soon as we were settled she started the car.

"Hey what happened to your hand?" Mark questioned her about her left bandaged hand.

"It's bleeding." It was and with her tight grip on steering wheel made it bleed more.

"It will stop."

"Maybe you should loosen your grip on steering wheel. It's putting strain on your hand." I tried telling her.

"I said it will stop! You don't need to tell me what to do or what not to.." She snapped.

After that nobody uttered a word. As soon as we reached the school. I was out of the car heading towards my friends. I don't want to stay in same air she breathe in.

"Hey baby good morning." Rachel said.

"Good morning." I peck her lips. "I missed you.

"I missed you too." She said pecking my lips again.

"Yeah, yeah, break it off we don't need to see that on this fine morning." Mark said.

"We don't care what you see Marky." Rachel retorted putting her arm around my waist and snuggling me.

"You will more than care when you will know what can I see." He said glaring at her. "Slut."

"Enough Mark! If I choose to be quite that doesn't mean you can call my girlfriend anything. And you are calling her slut? When you can't be more of man-slut." I don't know what came over me to burst out like that but he don't have any right to call her or any other girl that when​ he himself is whoring around.

"Seriously Jay? You are saying that? What happened about bros before hoes?" He said with hurt in his voice.

"I know that you don't like her for whatever personal reasons. But that doesn't mean you can call her slut. It was okay with all the bantering but calling her that. No. You are now taking this too far. Whatever reason it is you better fix it. Or I don't want a bestfriend who doesn't respect my girlfriend." Everyone gasped at that. I know it's harsh to say that to your bestfriend but he need to get his head straight.

"I can't believe you said that Jay. You are choosing her-" he said 'her' with so much disgust. "-over me. You don't even know her. I just-- You know what? Fuck you and your fucking girlfriend. She is what I called her. A fucking slut! And I also don't want a bestfriend who believes a girl who he just knew for not more than six months over his bestfriend who was with him since his diaper days." With that he stomped off somewhere.

"Jay, that was harsh. You shouldn't have said that." Alex said trying to make me take back what I said. I wanted too.

"Then he shouldn't have call her that." But I replied sternly.

"Come on Jay. You know how he is. He was just joking around."

"Calling my girlfriend a slut is not a matter of entertainment."

"Jay come on he didn't mean to. He was--"

"He was nothing. Just drop it. He deserved what I said to him." I said ending the conversation. He was about to say something but bell cut him off.

"I'll see you guys in lunch."

I turned around heading towards my class with Giara following behind. I forgot about her being the one of us. She better keep her mouth shut about what just happened. I don't fucking need her poking in my life now. It was her mistake, my day started out so bad.

Thankfully she kepther mouth shut. Everything was going wrong since morning. I can't wait for thisday to end. I literally hate my life right now.


Happy women's day everyone!!! Little late I know. But whatever . Btw you know what happened today guys? I for the first time tried driving a scooter and I was efffing scared. I was literally shaking. Wish me luck with driving it. And please comment, vote and share with your pals.

Alba 💜

Love,Alba 💜

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