Chapter 29

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There are only few things that really matters : friends and family.

Jay's POV.

"Our class is that way Giara!"

"Shh! Just do as I say."


"Just stop talking and follow me."

"But where are we going?" I asked again letting her drag me around.

"You'll see." She said pulling me with her towards the locker alley.

"Giara you proved enough, I know you are not a lesbian." I said walking as fast as I could to match her pace.

"First I did not need to prove anything to you, there was no need at all."

"Yeah, I was kidding about you proving and all but then again why did you kissed Kyle?" I asked frowning. If she knew then why put up a show like that.

"Because of that." She whispered pointing towards Rachel and Kyle, who were standing in the shadows of locker. It would have been difficult to spot them from different angle but from where we were standing, we could see and hear them clearly.

"What? It's just Rachel and Kyle talking in a dark corner​?" I said trying convince myself more than to convince her. I don't want to doubt Rachel.

"You are naive Jay." She shook her head in disappointment. "Listen carefully." She said gesturing to keep quiet.

"Why the hell did you kissed her?" Rachel hissed.

"What? She came on me, I can't just push her off, it's rude." Kyle said. What the hell is going on in here?

"Yes you can and why the hell would you care if it's rude or not."

"I care okay. And why are you freaking out so much? I never complained when you make out with Jay in front of me." He whisper shouted. Why would he complain? She is my girlfriend, she can make out with me whenever she wants.

"But it's different, you know that I don't even love him, I am with him because I have to." What? Am I hearing right? She's lying. No-no this is a dream.

"I know but you can't react like that in front of everyone. And it was just a kiss babe. You know that I love you right." Kyle cooed pulling her closer.

"Yeah I know, I love you too." She muttered kissing him. No this is not happening. She can't do that. Mark was right. She was-- is cheating on me. I can't believe it. I trusted her over my bestfriend. How could she do that? Wasn't I enough for her? I thought backing out from where we were eavesdropping.

"So Mark was right." I whispered more to myself than to her.

"Yes, he was." She said. I am such an idiot, how could I not trust my own bestfriend. Now how I'm going to face him.

"I want to go home. Take me home Giara." I don't want to be here for any second more. I can't take it anymore, I need to get out of here.

"Okay." She said taking my hand in hers and pulling me with her. We took our helmets and headed towards her bike. None of us spoke until we were in motion.

"Are you okay?" She asked glancing at me through the rear view mirror.

"I will be." I replied. "That's not the way to home." I said noticing the unfamiliar roads. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

"Last time you said that, something bad came out of it." I muttered.

"Not this time."

"But it seems like it." I said looking at the empty roads, no man-made things around, just trees and rocks. I wanted to ask her again but I knew I won't be getting any answers so I kept quiet.

We stopped in the middle of the road.

"Get off." She demanded as I didn't move a inch when we came to halt.

"Okay, no need to be rude about it." I muttered getting off. She parked her bike on the side of the road.

"Come on."

"Helmets?" I asked holding it up.

"Just leave them near the bike. Don't worry nobody's gonna steal them. No one comes near this part of city." She said walking into the dense forest. I quickly put the helmet on bike and followed her.

"Why does no one come here?" I asked dumbly looking around.

"Isn't is it obvious? Dense forest, wild animals, danger."

"Then why are we here? Are you going to kill me?!? You cannot attack me in my weak moment! This is not fair!"

"Stop crying, I am not going to kill you. If I wanted to, then I would have done that in a crowded place and nobody would have known." What is she? A Satan?

"Are you sure you're not going to kill me?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yes, I am sure." She said rolling her eyes. "Come on we are close to it."

"Close to what-- Oh wow!" I said in awed looking at the beautiful scenery in front of us. We had a clearing in front us, just blue sky and small mountains in sight, a huge log or I could say tree was fallen down, it was laying horizontally on ground.

"Come on." She said climbing on the log/tree and sitting on it, I copied​ her actions.

"How did you find this place?" I asked taking a seat beside her.

"When I was returning home from a mission." She answered looking ahead. "I missed coming here."

"Missed?" I questioned.

"Yeah I used to come here for thinking, when we lived in Pittsburgh​."

"Okay. It's a beautiful place." I said still at awe.

"Still think that I'm going to kill you?" She asked smirking at me.

"No." I laughed.

"I know you don't really want to talk about it. But what are you going to do now?" I was hoping to forget about that and enjoy this view but alas!

"I don't​ know. I thought she loved me." At that she snorted.

"Love? Love is nothing but another word for desire."

"What do you mean by that?" Did something happened to her? Has she been in love before. "Have you been in love before?" I voiced my thoughts. She stiffened at hearing that.

"Yes." Came out her whisper. "Yes, I have been in love. It gives you nothing but pain and betrayal." She said in more stern voice.

"I guess it does." I replied shrugging. That's what happened with me. "What's your story?"

"My story?" She chuckled. "There's no story but the cruel reality." She said bitterly.

"What happened?" Curiosity creeped into me. I shifted and turned to face her. She hesitated before speaking.

"I was always hungry for love. At the tender age of six losing my mother was the end of the world for me. After her death everything changed. Commander​-- I mean my father never talked to me. I was homeschooled, trained to be a spy. He never once showed me love or care. It was as if I was disgrace, a disappointment to him. I never really had someone to talk to until the age of fifteen. I met Nick and Jax. My first two friends. I became close to both of them. Nick was my bestfriend and Jax, he was my first love. I couldn't be more happier at that moment. It was the best period of my life. I had a best friend, a loving boyfriend, I was contained with it. But karma didn't wanted that, it's like it hates me. It had played me once again. I found out that Jax wasn't with me because he loved me, he was with me because I was commander's daughter, a key to his dreams. I heard this when he and Nick were talking." She hissed Nick's name.

"Nick as in the one you're always communicating with?"

"Yes, that Nick, he knew this from the start. This was their plan all along, to use me to achieve their dreams. I confronted them about it. After that there was whole lot of chaos. I always had angry issues since I was a kid but after this happened it became severe. I was so angry at them, at world, at me. I started throwing fits every time I had to work with them. Shouting, screaming, throwing things had become an usual thing whenever we three were put together. When comman-- my father came to know about what really happened, he did the most outrageous thing. He, my own father knowing the truth, he promoted Jax to higher position, he gave him his dream. I couldn't believe that. How could he do that to me, his own daughter." She choked on words. I put my hand on her shoulder to give her some sort of comfort.

I can't believe her father right now. How could he do this. This is ridiculous. I also noticed she calls her father Commander instead of dad/father. I didn't know she had to go through such things alone. Clearing her throat she continued.

"After hearing the news of him being promoted I couldn't control my anger. I was diagnosed with Intermittent Explosive Disorder, a severe case of anger issues. It became another point for my father to dislike me. I think he always wishes to have a son rather than me. I wanted to prove him that I'm better than any son he wishes to have. So I tried controlling my anger, got better, started doing my assigned job perfectly, throwing less fits so he could accept me as his. And it looks like it worked. I was assigned as your bodyguard, a chance to prove myself. For first time in my seventeen years of life, he said he believed in me, that I'm his daughter." She finished smiling brightly at me.

"That's-- I can't believe you had to go through this. I'm sorry about everything." I said feeling sympathy towards her.

"Do me a favour and just don't feel sorry or show sympathy towards me. I hate it. I told you this because you asked and for let you know that don't take your parents and Marcus for granted. You are lucky to have them by your side. You have such beautiful people there for you, to take care of you, to love you. You've have something precious that not everybody's has. Take care of them."

"I will." I nodded with a promise and turned towards the sun who was setting down leaving a beautiful sight behind him.


Halo people! What do think about this chapter? Giara opening​ up about her past. Both of them having a heart to heart conversation. What do you think? Let me know down in the comment section. And please vote, comment and share with your pals.

Alba 💜

Love,Alba 💜

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